New Hampshire percentage predictions

The primary happens tomorrow, and I'm ready with my predictions (see my Iowa outcome).


McCain - 33%
Romney - 30%
Huckabee - 14%
Paul - 12%
Giuliani - 7%
Thompson - 3%
Hunter - 1%
Keyes - 0%


Obama - 45%
Clinton - 30%
Edwards - 19%
Richardson - 4%
Kucinich - 2%
Gravel - 0%

Pretty obvious, the main thing is that I think that we haven't seen the Obama crest in the polls, and I suspect that Paul will do better than Giuliani because of the dynamics of the New Hampshire electorate.


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You can add up to 102% with accumulated rounding errors - just consider the possibility that the unrounded values are almost halfway down to the next lower unit percentage: 44.6%, 29.6%, etc.

On the other hand, there's nobody named "Gravell" in the Democratic primary. ;)

Did you post this before or after Hillary shed her tears? You may want to take the possible "butterfly effect" of that emotional outburst into consideration.

Did you post this before or after Hillary shed her tears? You may want to take the possible "butterfly effect" of that emotional outburst into consideration.

before. but i'll stick with my predictions. her advisers are declaring a single-digit loss a 'win' now.

Her people are calling a win a win now. Go figure.

Never trust the media to predict elections, they know nothing.