Amazon sucks

I've been sick. Flu. That's why I haven't been posting. I will be posting again soon. But I am taking time out to post something right now, because having a blog means having a place to vent.

1) 2.5 weeks ago I ordered a piece of hardware from amazon

2) The hardware did not work

3) I called amazon, they said they'd replace it immediately

4) The replacement did not arrive

5) I called, and they explained (Amazon) that the item was now on backorder

6) When I had my item replaced they assured me that the item was not on back order

7) OK, so I told them to give me a refund, I needed the hardware ASAP and was going to Circuit City now

8) They said they sent the mailing label to send the product back. Over a week has passed, and it has not arrived. I called Amazon, and it turns out that the customer service person never sent the mailing label

9) So now, they "assure" me that I am receiving a mailing label so I can get my refund. They "assure" me

Lessons? From now on, only books from Amazon. They've clearly "gone Dell" in the customer service department.


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"Gone Dell" is a good way to put it. I ordered a computer from them a few years ago, with an ergonomic keyboard that I was very much looking forward to using. When it arrived, a technician came to install it. He could not get the ergonomic keyboard to work. They're always changing the hardware, he said, so that even if it has the same model number it's not always the same inside. The keyboard they sent just doesn't work with the computer they sent. End of story. I'm still using the old keyboard.

Try or for hardware. I've been very happy with prices and service from both. I've had to RMA hardware to both and it was painless. The last time I had to return an item to they cross-shipped the replacement. (The component was inexpensive so I'm not sure they would do that on something more dear.)

Amazon is very good but has their glitches once in a while. :(

Hope you feel better soon! I've been coughing for 3+ weeks. AHHH!

OTOH, I ordered a third-party through Amazon. Specs on the Amazon page failed to mention a few salient features, so i tried to return it. This has to be done directly with the 3rdP. But in this particular case they did not accept returns under _ANY_ conditions (somehow I was suspected of "pirating" this piece of hardware !). But Amazons buyer protection policy worked and I got a refund from Amazon, who therefore effectively bought it for me. Their Customer Service was responsible for on their own initiative filing the claim on my behalf and then telling me they had done it.

So i guess it can go both ways.

By david1947 (not verified) on 02 Feb 2007 #permalink