O believers!
If kuffar flesh is beauteous it is permissable for the faithful to partake of it without nikah....
Q: Is a beauteous kuffar female permissable or unclean?
A: Lo! A beauteous kuffar female is both permissable and unclean! If the kuffar women entreat the believers, let it be known that that the faithful are commanded to hit them hard and hit them often so long as the believers are sufficiently freaky! As the kuffar woman is unclean let it be stated that it is enjoined upon the believers that they wash themselves thoroughly and redouble their salat.
-Ibn Hanbal
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Tell me that's not an actual verse from the Q'uran...
kuffar! the believers are no concern of yours, excepting that you wish to submit to allah on high, the most compassionate and most merciful!
Hey, great to see you off the blond kick. For me, preserving the purity of white women is job one.
Little known fact: Nelly Furtado plays trombone. I don't think that she's been featuring it though. Trombone-playing -- that's real diversity.
This is a hot video.
Since you said you were unaware of Nelly Furtado, you may find it interesting to learn that her earlier stuff wasn't so dark and slutty, somewhat like Natalie Imbruglia I guess. Then she underwent a sluttification of Mariah Carey proportions. Guess which phase of her career has been more lucrative!
i knew about her early on. i was into pop cultures back then, so this was a surprise since i 'dropped out' a few years ago....
Seeing as how she has gone all promiscuous, I'll bet you are referring to the Rusty Trombone??
Don't ask me to explain this phrase, look it up on Urban Dictionary :O
Is that the same Ibn Hanbal who goes by the moniker Hambali??
I'll bet you are referring to the Rusty Trombone??
rank, you perv!
Is that the same Ibn Hanbal who goes by the moniker Hambali??
yes, hanbali shariat.
A real trombone, sicko. According to Wikopedia she was a Whizkid when she was young.
yeah, the new Nelly album isn't as good as her previous one. Razib, you should have a listen to here Folklore CD, its pretty good.
Having gone ...
is she ever going back?
To her folklorica self, or permutation therefrom?
Based on what I've read, I wouldn't be surprised if her slutty thing isn't just a career / image move, or maybe a sort of a put-on. A lot of those professional sluts are pretty hard-headed about business, Madonna above all.
Pop music is like the Mafia -- a lot of very sensible business people encourage teenagers to do things they're too smart to do themselves, the way mafiosi pimp other men's daughters but watch their own very closely.