My genetic future

My wife and I have embarked on our first collaborative genetic experiment:

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By J Pickrell (not verified) on 16 Feb 2010 #permalink



Thanks guys!

Keith - obviously we were hoping for identical twins to provide the necessary control; but I guess we're just going to have to bluff our way past the reviewers...

Good job! Developmental Biology at home is my favorite topic.
Next step will be to learn behavioral psychology and of course do not forget to store some umbilical cord blood stem cells (or better grown some amniocentesis derived IPS ;-).


By Congratulations!!! (not verified) on 17 Feb 2010 #permalink


Is that the face turned towards the camera, and the left arm?

May your family grow and be very health Daniel.
All the best! Little spuds are the best!
Now we need to know......boy or girl?

Also, skip the mega-dosing on folate!!!
Only first 3 months in some studies....


Wow...I can see I'm late to the party! Congrats, Daniel!

I promise, you and your wife will soon be eligible for sleep-deprivation studies.

Good job and Congratulations!

By Edward Winstead (not verified) on 17 Feb 2010 #permalink

Congratulations. Get as much sleep as you can now!


Thanks again to everyone for their best wishes.

pconroy - yes, you've interpreted the anatomy correctly. :)

Hi Daniel,

Congratulations....I am very excited for you. Seems like things are going well over there for you both. Take care and all the best...Emma

By Emma Kettle (not verified) on 19 Feb 2010 #permalink