Gingrich DVD Doc on Energy Future

Following on the heels of Expelled and Obsession, a film warning of radical
, there's more signs that the Right has discovered documentary film as a strategic communication tool to shape policy and mobilize their base.

Newt Gingrich in TV news appearances is promoting his new film on America's energy problem (trailer above). From the description for the film, hosted with his wife:

Citizens United Productions brings you our latest groundbreaking documentary, WE HAVE THE POWER. Today, America is under assault from key oil producing states - some of which are radical regimes whose energy prices and policies are systematically undermining our economy, our national security, and the American way of life. We pay a hefty ransom - two billion dollars every day - to the likes of Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Venezuela, among other foreign powers. Americans are sick and tired of our broken energy policy.

WE HAVE THE POWER highlights America's need to adopt our World War II mentality of "Do it all, Do it now" by tapping into all of our abundant energy resources. We owe it to future generations to explore the vast amount of oil and gas in the Outer Continental Shelf, Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), as well as our other vital energy resources including Hydroelectric Power, Wind Power, Oil Shale, Natural Gas, Gas Hydrates, Hydrogen, BioFuels, Solar Power, Clean Coal and Nuclear Power.

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*shrug* The summary doesn't sound so bad. I have no problem with trying anything and everything. If we could make the Green River oil shales (which dwarf ANWR by orders of magnitude) practical, we'd have greater reserves than the Saudis. I know some folks want us off oil last week, but that's not rational.

By Quiet Desperation (not verified) on 24 Oct 2008 #permalink