Indiana Jones Sequel to Focus on Aliens, Roswell, & Area 51

Vanity Fair has the clues and the reader is left to connect the dots:

Film is set in 1957 (ten years after crash at Roswell), was shot in New Mexico, and in contrast to previous Indy Films that pay tribute to 1930s serials, this one takes inspiration from 1950s B movie science fiction. The villains are the Cold War Russians and the race is to recover a "Crystal Skull," most likely an alien artifact with vast technological power.

Confirmation comes May 22nd with world wide release.

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Roswell? Oh well, they made entertaining movies out of the holy grail and arc of the covenant. Not so much the other one. The next one should be Indy at the formation of AARP.

Sounds like it'll be great fun. The third movie really sucked.

By Randi Schimnosky (not verified) on 08 Jan 2008 #permalink

While filming a 1993 episode in which Ford made a cameo appearance, Lucas happened on something that gave him the idea for a fourth movie installment. He mentioned it to the actor, who wasn't too impressed. Lucas later told Spielberg about his new concept, only to find that the director wasn't so hot on the idea, either, although generally warm to the notion of a fourth film.

But Lucas was adamant. It was this idea or nothing.

Meesa sure yousa gonna like this.

Man... I dunno about this one. I'll most likely still see it but why does Mr. Lucas [if it was his idea] have to taint everything my childhood enjoyed so much? Luckily he didn't ruin Transformers. We have Michael Bay to thank for that.

I saw them filming it up in New Haven, CT and if nothing else, it is going to be amazing in terms of cinematography ... New Haven couldn't have looked more like the "good old days."