It's that time of year, so Happy Spring Festival, Zombie Vampire Death and Raising Weekend, and Escape That Didn't Happen Celebration...
[I know, I know, don't blog drunk...]
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Thanks Chandra for coming to the Expo and helping us get the word out about the Festival in this blog post. We look forward to what you will be showing at your booth.
sumitted by chandra on Mon, 10/18/2010 - 17:07.
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"My strength is much greater than yours!" -Zangief, Street Fighter II
I hope everyone had as great a halloween as I did, and -- although I know it's sad -- it's time to bid a fond farewell to my Zangief avatar that once graced the top this blog. To be honest, I'll miss Zangief quite a bit.
And a happy Autumn celebration to you, too!
I have been thinking about an appropriate Zombie Jesus candy, but the only think I can come up with is a Cadbury Cream Brain.
Don't blog drunk???
Where's the fun in that?
Alleluia right back atcha, John.
If you're talking about raising the dead, you're about a month too early. The new Star Trek movie doesn't open until May 8th.
You forgot to mention that it's a fuck (fertility) festival; so happy fucking everyone.
And a merry pagan-fertility-festival-with-a-thin-veneer-of-Christianity to everyone!