Quelle excitement!

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(and "Quel excitement !", excitement being masculine -- but you might prefer "Quelle excitation !")

Wow. That's brilliant. Congratulations. I bet it feels good to touch. As soon as Morgs saw me open up the University of California Press website he started conjuring ways to get us a US mailing address ASAP! :)


I'll add that to my amazon wish list.

Goes on my wishlist...unless there's a paperback version in the offing!

Has Katsuhiro Otomo picked up the rights yet?


So, when I buy my (suitably) expensive copy, how do I get it autographed?

Wanna signed copy, too!! (A word to the wise, though, be very wary of anything a lawyer wants you to sign.)

By Ian H Spedding FCD (not verified) on 31 Mar 2009 #permalink

Many congratulations, John.

Philosophers usually baffle me (a humble historian) with their terminology, but this is one I must try.

Does the price look high? Judging by some academic books I have seen lately, US$50 or so looks almost reasonable, but it depends on the yoyoing A $ rate. Not available in Australia yet?

By John Monfries (not verified) on 31 Mar 2009 #permalink

Very sweet --- on my list.

By Garamond Lethe (not verified) on 31 Mar 2009 #permalink

Most excellent. The thickshakes are on me.

Not available anywhere yet, John, until September. I am investigating the cost - a sister volume is only $39.95US and it has colo[u]r, so given that I gave up my royalties on the first run, I expected it to be lower in price.

I don't know what the paperback will cost, but I hope it will be in the US$20-30 range.

Congratulations! I'm glad that University of California Press has opened their author list to gorillas ... next, the bonobos will be publishing literary criticism and field studies.

As long as they only leave publishing open to the great apes, I don't think we have to worry about cdesignists getting in... I do look forward to reading it when it becomes available. Just out of curiosity, do you delve into bacterial and viral "species" at all or do you stick with eukaryotes?