If I have seemed a little distracted and unresponsive lately it's because I have been using an old clunker of a half dead laptop. I received my new employ's Macbook yesterday and spent pretty much the rest of the day migrating to the new beast. I'm still in the process of moving to Sydney - which won't finish until next week - but I should be able to reply and write a bit more easily once I get all my software up and working.
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Hey. Welcome to Sydney! To be honest it's a pretty dire town these days unfortunately - but there are still some places they haven't "renovated" where you can get decent cold beer, which is after all the most important thing.
(er besides coffee, and you're in luck there -Toby's on City Road is just across from campus and arguably the best coffee in the state)
Anyway if someone should organise a welcoming party, I'd come.. Hmm let me think - Sydney Uni ... Duck & Swan maybe? (Because everyone always goes to The Rose)
Oh, and welcome to Macbook too. That is all I'll say on that topic...
Welcome to the Macbook party, John!
Thanks. I should mention that I have been a Mac user since around 1985. I really tried to use Windows, I did, but I found having something that worked was way preferable. Don't mind Ubuntu Linux, though (I learned Unix before I learned DOS).
Yay! Another Mac user! We're set to take over the world in the future, you know!