Ugly old guy

Readers: if you haven't eaten lately, hover your mouse over the Snowflake avatar to the left. Give it a bit of time and you will see what I look like when I shave.

Clicking on it merely takes you to Barcelona Zoo's page on my avatar.

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C'mon! There's nothing funny about a fat old ugly guy? American cartoonists have been having a field day with the current FOUG presidential candidate.

Argh. Barcelona Zoo needs to put their web designer in a cage with an angry predator of some kind.

How to make a hideous web UI in 4 easy steps:
1. Confine the entire page to a small area that doesn't resize.
2. Resize the browser window to fit the page, rather than the other way around.
3. In the tiny content area, present monolithic chunks of text.
4. Use non-standard scrollbars to make scrolling as awkward as possible.

Ah, John, but your avatar matches the tone of your posts so much better than your real picture. :-) Still, you've added a cool feature to the page.

That was a cruel and unusual punishment for the unwary amongst your loyal readers.

Must remember, never hover over the big ape again :o)

By Chris' Wills (not verified) on 27 Oct 2008 #permalink

So when someone like Larry riles you enough, instead of turning into a green hulk, you do a shirt-splitting morph into an 800lb gorilla?

It's certainly one way to win a debate.

By Ian H Spedding FCD (not verified) on 27 Oct 2008 #permalink

Love the BOFH stories, by the way. I haven't come across them before. I'm assuming you could do that sort of thing if you wanted but are basically not ruthless enough. I must have unwittingly offended one of them which is why I've been waiting for over a year for an extra 256K RAM which would prevent my work machine taking 10-12 mins to boot up, log on to the network and launch the software I need to use - eg Lotus Notes taking 30 secs to a minute to fully load.

By Ian H Spedding FCD (not verified) on 27 Oct 2008 #permalink

Really, you're not that old.

I preferred the gorilla.