I've been uncommonly productive in the last few days - first the book went off (and then I find that one chapter needs a complete rewrite, but hey), then I sent off a paper based on the talk I gave a couple of weeks ago in Melbourne, then today I find that my and Gary Nelson's article on Pierre Trémaux has been accepted (without a single editorial revision!) for HPLS and then the production people at Springer send me the proof of my latest foray into a general theory of science, for Biol. Phil. And I teach starting tomorrow.
All the while a very patient (and I suspect rather fatalistic) editor is waiting for me to finish editing my Evolution of Religion book ("Michelangelo! When are you going to make an end to it?"). He can rest assured, if he's reading, that this is my current top priority. The kiddies can coast for a week or so. But I'm feeling very good.
And I even applied for a job.
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Nice to hear you're staying off the streets and out of trouble. :)
Seriously, that's a pretty amazing stretch of stuff.
Another book, eh? Trying to take over my reading budget, are you? Little good it'll do you! ... No, really, very little!
Best of luck on the job!
From Spain: Mis felicitaciones para ustedes (Dr. Wilkins y Dr. Nelson) por el artículo sobre Pierre Trémaux accepted ¡¡¡¡without a single editorial revision¡¡¡¡
Sorry, my English is not good
John, I'm curious. Do you include or exclude Evolving Thoughts from your resume?
Nice going John.
I've been wanting to ask how the job-hunting was going.
Mis felicitaciones para ustedes (Dr. Wilkins y Dr. Nelson) por el artículo sobre Pierre Trémaux accepted
My congratulations to you (Dr. Wilkins and Dr. Nelson) for the article about Pierre Trémaux....
Emeterio and I have been having a conversation in email via Babelfish and French. It has been most surreal (but nice).
I am applying for anything now as the final countdown (to 31 December) begins. If you know a sweeping job that requires a PhD in HPS, let me know, I'm not proud when it comes to eating and paying rent.
Reminds me of the time I started learning Spanish from books and using bilingual internet chats. Very weird talking in Spanglish.
All, er, some good things come to he who works.
Well done, O, Silverbacked One. It is very satisfying to hear of your successes as well as your satisfaction in them.
One of the nicest things about doing something well is simply knowing that you have done it well.
Given that I am barely past the press the stick in the soft clay stage, the notion of writing multiple books is awe inspiring. I particularly look forwarding to reading the Evolution of Religion tome - I enjoyed the essays very much.
Thank you to Brian English by the spanglish traduction. Already I am only capable to read some scientific papes (some, above all agricultural papers). Sincerely, my English is catastrophic and ( unfurtunately, desgraciadamente ) I am not capable to read Chakespeare, for example (or Ray Bradbury). Sorry. Please Brian, ¿puedes indicarme algún buen escritor australiano, que pueda leer en español?. Australia esta muy lejos de España y desconocemos in Spain (desgraciadamente) su cultura en general. Thank you.
Ah, John (Wilkins), tu fotografía del blog no es procedente para incluírla en tu CV para un puesto de profesor o algo así. Pero me gusta, es muy expresiva, como mi cara. Extraordinary. ¿Tienes ya la barba blanca como yo?.
For all the Wilkins blog's people, please visit: (I am also a "fans" of Pierre Trémaux).
Artículo: http://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/5927
"Corrigendum": https://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/5937
"Adendum": https://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/5951
"Corrigendum" of the "Ademdum": https://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/5993
Sorry, but these "articles" are in ESPANGLISH-FRENCH "language"
Bye bye from Spain