More on black and white physics

Language Log has a very nice summary of the reasons why some holes are black, and some are white.

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Visiting lovely KITP for the A Universe of Black Holes programme, and specifically the associated "Massive Black Holes: Birth, Growth and Impact" workshop. As usual the talks will (eventually) be posted on line, both slides and web, but in the mean time I will be semi-transcribing my semi-coherent…
Hello. I'm still here. Let me get you caught up on some things. In graduate school I was required to take a battery of four qualifying exams before I could be “advanced to candidacy.” These exams were conducted orally, meaning you had to stand in a room with two faculty members and answer…
Scottish linguist Geoffrey Pullum's take-down in the Chronicle of Higher Education of the venerable Strunk and White Elements of Style has received some notoriety. It's Elements' 50th anniversary this month, but Pullum isn't celebrating in "50 Years of Stupid Grammar Advice." I have a copy of…
This is Melisa Riviere. White People sometimes do hip hop. I have a reading suggestion for you. First a little background. I've gotten into a few arguments on race and racism in my time, some on this blog. Racist thinking is all around us. Why just a few hours ago, a neighbor complained…

Spellcorrecting and adding publisher and ISBN to what I said on the linked-to blog:

As a student of a student of John Archibald Wheeler, whose death I mourned earlier this year, I could not help but notice this Australian novel of Science Fiction:

Striped Holes, by Damien Broderick, NY: Avon,
ISBN-13: 9780380753772
ISBN: 0380753774