Evolving Thoughts

We got delicioused, for the Basic Concepts Post, and wow, scores of links and (I hope) new readers. Some of the referrals [UPDATED]:

Welcome to all

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I'm giving the final exam in my E&M class tonight (from 5-7 pm, thank you oh-so-much, Central Scheduling), which you might think would bode well for blogging in the future. However, I also have two summer students starting on Monday, a baby on the way, and major book revisions to do that need…
If you'd like to join a sort of Scienceblogs elite reader club, you've got two days to send me an email. Each blog here can nominate two readers for access to one massive club account on You'll be asked to tag (using bookmarks) three ScienceBlogs posts per week that are…
Tuesday seems a good day for tidbits. (I am head-down in my UKSG presentation and class stuff at the moment, so kindly forgive posting slowness.) One argument I rarely see made for open access that should perhaps be made more often is that it reduces friction in both accessing and providing…

Quick, start posting. You have a limited window of opportunity. Here are suggested topics to increase your traffic:

Ron Paul: Wacko or just what we need?
Intelligence: It's not genetic. (Is it?)
Adaptationism: Need anyone say any more?
Scientists: framing idiots!
The 10 commandments: False, yes. But nonetheless good for us?
If evolution were a religion... (on second thought, probably would be a dud)

And I know you are smarter than that, but make sure you stay away from foreign politics (Like, who should be dictator of, say, New Zealand. We just don't care.)

Good luck!

Hey I saw it on first and wondered why he linked to it (I thought it had something to do with me personally!).