Coming to London for a flying visit

I'll be in London (the one in the UK, not any American knockoff) on Sunday 22nd and Monday 23rd July. I'm meeting someone at University College London, but I'll be free in the evenings if anyone wants to meet up (and offer a couch I can sleep on, if possible).

There's a conference in Exeter afterwards, which is why I'm passing through...

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Every year, or nearly every year, I go to the meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics of the American Physical Society (which revels in the acronym "DAMOP" (pronounced "day-mop"), but at least we're better off than our Canadian brethren, who are just the Division of Atomic…
The mild nausea I mentioned earlier? Gone now, it seems to have vanished as soon as I disposed of the wretched rag Answers in Genesis sent me. It's a good thing, too, because I have a frantic weekend ahead of me. Today and tomorrow, I'm pounding the keyboard to prepare a couple of talks. At least…
So, I finally have access to the internet. For the past few days I've been either in London, on planes, trains or in Exeter, where I am now for the ISHPSSB biennial conference of philosophers and historians (and some sociologists) of science. In London I walked myself silly (getting the worst…

If you stick around for two weeks I shall be there for a fying visit 6th August. I used to live just around the corner from UCL and my father taught there.

There is an American knock off?
Have fun.

For any place name in the European world, there is a place in the United Sates with the same name. True fact.

I feel sorry for the people living in New Scunthorpe. Not even an American deserves that.


For any place name in the European world, there is a place in the United Sates with the same name.

Is there a Turku?