Basic concepts: Normal distributions

Mark Chu-Carroll has a good short discussion of the statistical concept of a "normal distribution" up.

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I've been desparately trying to think of a bad pun on Gaussian, but have failed. :-(

Anyway, I think the basic concepts idea is great, so I hope it keeps going long enough for you to work out how to write on e on species.


By Bob O'Hara (not verified) on 17 Jan 2007 #permalink


My Physics professor wife and I worked half a year for a couple of sleazy Hollywood producers on a profitable CD-ROM edutainment project. They never paid us, and we had to sue right up through my unanimous California Supreme Court victory against them. Still never collected a penny. The point is, they kept referring to what we were doing in digital post-production as what they prounounced as "gauze-ian" as if we were filming with gauzy cloth over a lens. Idiots!