British Centre for Science Education formed

A new organisation, following the lead of the National Center for Science Education in the United States, has been formed to monitor and lobby against the introduction of creationism and intelligent design in the United Kingdom. It's called the British Centre for Science Education, and its webite is here, with an extensive list of all the players in the political movement currently underway to convert state schools to fundamentalist schools, with the apparent support of the current (and temporary) PM, Tony Blair.

It is very sad that the shining light that is British education is under attack. We expect this in the USA, but not in a nation that is so secular that it has a state religion like the Church of England...

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Cheers for mentioning this. I'm not a member (I'm in a friendly-rival group Science Just Science), but the boys from BCSE have been doing great work riling up the creationists. See for example this response to BCSE by Prof Andy McIntosh - have fun counting the fallacies.

McIntosh is the UK's number 1 independent creationist speaker and leader of new group Truth In Science, which is dedicated to teaching the controversy. You know how, in the US, creationists tried Scientific Creationism, then they switched to Intelligent Design, then they went for Teach the Controversy? Our homegrown creationists seem to have carelessly ignored step 2 of that process. Not exactly subtle...

By Corkscrew (not verified) on 09 Oct 2006 #permalink

Corkscrew wrote:

Cheers for mentioning this. I'm not a member (I'm in a friendly-rival group Science Just Science), but the boys from BCSE have been doing great work riling up the creationists. See for example this response to BCSE by Prof Andy McIntosh - have fun counting the fallacies.

I would emphasis the "friendly" and probably drop the "rival." There are a number of people who belong to both organisations, and we are working with other organisations which share our goal of keeping creationism out of the classroom, helping them to share information and coordinate their activities.

Incidently, your organisation seems to have a fairly prominent position on our links page. It has been there for a while.