I keep seeing all these carnivals that I don't find myself on. So here's a note for all those hardworking carnival coordinators looking for stuff. If you or a reader thinks something of mine is worthwhile (email me for a list of suggestions), just link to it. I don't do administrative stuff all that well. And anyway, I'm covered by a Creative Commons license that permits this without further effort.
Go on, make me famous. I know you want to...
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Oh, you can send your own stuff once you see a reminder...
That's outside my comfort zone. Besides, I never know what's worth reading of my own stuff. I need someone else to decide for me :-)
Shameless self-promotion is outside your comfort zone?
The vast majority of carnivals are set up such that bloggers submit their own work to the host. Certainly the carnival that I run (The Skeptics' Circle) is set up that way. If you don't submit, the chances of your showing up are low to nonexistent, as hosts only start looking for extra articles if they don't get enough submissions.
The History Carnival is the only one where, when I hosted, I got a lot of nominations that didn't come from the bloggers who wrote the pieces themselves.
The other thing you can do is host one. There are Tangled Bank slots available as of February...
An excellent idea. You could also host the Skeptics' Circle, as well; I have a slot available in late March, if memory serves me correctly.
i feel your pain john. alwayz forget this stuff....
The other thing is, when the commenters really rave over a particular post, submit that post to whichever Carnival it seems to fit.
Well that rules out any of my posts being suitable, doesn't it :-)
So, which carnival is going to get this post to advertise?