I'm about to leave town for the weekend, but I did want to poke my head up just long enough to wish everyone a Happy Darwin Day! And just in time for this most wonderful of holidays, my paper on anti-evolutionary mathematics has now been published. In the journal Science and Education, to be precise. Alas, unless you are at an institution that subscribes to this journal, Springer will expect you to pay for it. And it would be a serious copyright violation for me simply to post the paper freely at my website. But if you send me an e-mail at rosenhjd@jmu.edu, I will be happy to send you the PDF. You might have to wait until Tuesday, though, when I return from my trip.
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Congratulations. I wonder if it might also be possible to publish an article based on the paper somewhere where it would get get more notice, e.g. a science magazine or Huffington Post.
(Today HP posted an article with this title: "Darwin Day Revelation: Evolution, Not Religion, Is the Source of Morality".)
Yes, getting wider notice would be a good thing.
BTW, It was also Abe Lincoln's birthday; Lincoln and Darwin were born on the same day.
sean s.
Schools are in session, banks are open, mail is being delivered, which means nobody gives a damn.
When Valentine's Day falls midweek, people still go about their ordinary business; but they most assuredly give a damn.
sean s.
Annually, there are Happy Darwin Day cards on sale at your local drug or Hallmark store, and they fly off the shelves! Kids from 1 to 92 live to celebrate ole Charlie by the masses.
I'm lying, of course, because most don't give a damn.
And December 25 is Isaac Newton's birthday.
Though not a trinitarian, Isaac Newton "recognized Christ as a divine mediator between God and man, who was subordinate to the Father who created him." So whatever your actual birthdate, dear Jesus; Isaac Newton, myself and millions upon billions of living and dead souls alike, thank you for visiting. You're enthusiastically celebrated in an UNPARELLELED way. Sorry, Charlie!
I think 2000 years ago, people were not evolved enough to see what's going on in terms of the universal truth. Therefore, their interpretation of Jesus's condition, if such person ever existed, was incorrect or off. It's possible that such person did exist, because from the standpoint of reason, and logic, there must've been something that precipitated Christianity. Unless, it's pure fction or ancient science fiction only.
More...with sufficient amount of intelligence and education, you can actually see mental illness, such as bipolar disorder, on the Jesus character in the movies about Jesus.
and then you can say that religion is mental illness!
Thanks for sending me a copy of the paper, it is an excellent read. I know enough math to follow these anti-evolutionary claims (with effort!). Your paper lays out the mathematical reality in very simple terms, which is exactly what is needed.
The creationist mathematical formula did the college circuit tour in 1983. Beautiful and well thought out, but flawed. The formula, based on known mutation rates, which are not really "known", are in fact variable rates that provide comparison for multiple test subjects. That it fails to account for the rare and extreme mutation that can leap the process along. All of your plots and graphs are probably linear, no curves. a visual representation of tunnel thinking. Do you know that the pope and Vatican acknowledge evolution??.......... after the Creation?? Or are you going to prove us all wrong w/your, "divine formula". You calling my Pope a liar, you freakin crackpot