I Warned You About the Manatees!


Don't say I didn't warn you. We have irrefutable evidence that the manatees are attacking. We're only now gaining insights into their advance technology. Only a week ago did I say to Sandy:

And I'm obsessed with manatees, not chimeras. That is, unless the matatees devise some sort of manatee/lobster chimera. That would really freak me out.

Never did I think I could be so right, yet so wrong, at the same time. This site contains some odd pictures demonstrating what happens when animal-animal chimeras go wrong. Included is the photo above -- the MANAPHANT, or manatee/elephant chimera. The manabster can only be around the corner.


(Via Biomes Blog.)


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But "Oh, the huge manaphant" just doesn't have the same ring to it.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 16 Jan 2007 #permalink

Hmmmm. Hippos and dophins have a common ancestor. Maybe, with the water so crowded with boats and such, the manatees are planning to invade land.

Well manatees' closet living relative is the elephant, so not too surprising. Elephants are far, far smarter though.

I want one as a pet!

By afarensis (not verified) on 16 Jan 2007 #permalink

dude. thats not true. manatees are harmless creatures.
shut up.