The Old Guy Strikes Again

I saw him again at the supermarket today. This is the second time I've seen him at the supermarket -- and third time overall. But this is the first time I was stealth, without any identification of my alma mater.

In case you're late to the game, this guy is an emeritus professor at my current university, and he also graduated from my alma mater. I've run into him twice around town, both times I had something that gave away my former school (either a hat or a license plate holder). Like the last time I saw him in the supermarket, we were both in the produce section. However, today I was sporting the hat from our local minor league baseball team. I was incognito.

I recognized him, but I don't think he recognized me. I didn't want to say anything so as to give up my presence. He asked one of the box boys where the hydroponic lettuce is. Seriously. That's how this man rolls. Anyway, I'll see if I can observe Retiree alumnicus in the wild again. Any notes will be reported here.

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How big is your town? I run into people I know at Wegmans all the time. Its hard being incognito in this town!

I think we both go to the grocery store at the same time, so I'm bound to see him again. But I don't think he can recognize me . . . even if I'm wearing the hat or driving in my car. He has no idea that I'm, um, stalking him.

I hope that you resume your history of the Hawaiian Islands again soon.