Legendary Football Coach Dabbles in Sociobiology and Existentialism

Check out this interview with Penn State football coach Joe Paterno:

On the fragility of life: "I do a lot of walking, and every once in a while, I step on an ant. And I say to myself, 'You know, we ain't nothing but ants.' "

I wonder if JoePa has ever looked at the back of a dollar bill . . . on weed. The boys at EDSBS think JoePaPa (the extra "Pa" is 'cause he's freakin' old . . . older than dirt, even) has been dabbling in a little E.O. Wilson:

So JoePa's either been reading chapter 27 of Sociobiology, or...well, the other option's just not possible.

Is Coach Paterno smokin' the doobies? Ever seen those glasses? Dude probably needs a few tokes for his cataracts.

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