In Case You Wanted to Know a Little More About Me

Via Janet comes the ABC meme. To learn a bit about me, click through to below the fold.

  • Accent: None that I can detect. Of course, no one thinks they have an accent.
  • Booze: It depends on my mood -- I'll drink pretty much anything. Sometimes I'm in the mood for a good IPA, sometimes a thick stout, and sometimes a Miller Light. If it's wine, it's best if it's from Burgundy. As for liquor, gin is my perfect poison.
  • Chore I Hate: I agree with Janet; grading sucks.
  • Dog or Cat: I currently have neither. I have had both. Either one is good.
  • Essential Electronics: TV + cable box. Computer + router.
  • Favorite Cologne: I hate that shit.
  • Gold or Silver: White gold.
  • Hometown: Los Angeles, CA.
  • Insomnia: If I'm not tired.
  • Job Title: Indentured servant Graduate student.
  • Kids: Do I count? If not, none (that I know of).
  • Living arrangements: Small apartment.
  • Most admirable traits: My ego, intelligence, and mad skillz. Oh, and my modesty.
  • Not going to cop to: I have no idea what that means. Can we get a meme to English dictionary in here?
  • Overnight hospital stays: Three times: when I was born, when I had major surgery in my second month, and when I ate some bad egg rolls my junior year of college.
  • Phobias: I'm afraid of fear. Roosevelt was right.
  • Quote: Um, yeah, I can't think of any right now. Sorry.
  • Religion: Jew by ethnicity, atheist by belief.
  • Siblings: One sister.
  • Time I wake up: 6 or 7am.
  • Unusual talent or skill: Like I said above, I have mad skillz. I also throw a mean outside-in flick.
  • Vegetable I love: Killer tomatoes.
  • Worst habit: Why you gotta go raggin' on nuns?
  • X-rays: Teeth, shoulder, foot, stomach, knee, maybe others I've forgotten.
  • Yummy foods I make: Everything I cook tastes good. Pizza, burgers on the grill, and I can bake.
  • Zodiac sign: Virgo.

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FYI - "Cop To" = Admit to.
ex: "I am not going to cop to being a junkfood junkie".
From '70's slang. Adapted from druggie lingo ie "I gotta go cop some weed dude".