Double Entendre Friday - 31 March 2006

Help! I need some more double entendres. Help! Not just any double entendres. Help! You know I need some biology double entendres.

When I first proposed this wacky idea I figured I'd add funny biology terms to my list as the weeks went by. Well, I exhausted my original list quite rapidly, and now I'm scraping the dregs of funny terms to bring you something to make your Friday go by a little bit faster. This week I'm stealing from a list of molecules with silly names (via the recently expunged Frink Tank). Here's an awkward exchange that may have occurred between a student and her advisor:

A geology professor and his new female graduate student are camping out in western Massachusetts for the weekend with the intent of cataloging the different rocks in a particular area. They are sharing a tent and both felt uncomfortable during the first night; the student is fairly attractive and the professor is a handsome man with a reputation for taking care of business. It's late Saturday afternoon, and the conversation that day has been quite flirtatious. As the sun is going down the student comes across a rock that she is not familiar with. "What is this?" she asks the professor. He walks over and inspects the rock. After a few moments of contemplation, he exclaims, "Well, I'll be! Cummingtonite." The student replies, "Well that's a bit presumptuous."

i-635dadb78623a48d8760490bccae4604-cumming_cologne.GIFThis also gives me an excuse to post a picture of the greatest cologne bottle on the face of the Earth. Alan Cummings probably got ragged on quite a bit when he was growing up because of his name. Now he has taken advantage of the sexual innuendo with his own scent, named Cumming. It's pure genius, even if it's not all that creative.

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