Contact Your US Representative about the NIH Budget

As I mentioned previously, the Senate passed the Specter-Harkin Amendment. The House of Representatives is our next target to ensure the Bush's anti-science budget is improved upon. The Genetics Society of America has done an excellent job keeping its members up to date on these political goings on. I have included the most recent request to contact your US Representative below the fold. Follow the instructions to send an email, letter, or to get your representative's office phone number to request he or she support the budget amendment.

ACTION: Call or E-Mail Your US Representative! Ask your Member of Congress to support the NIH by increasing health and education funding in the House budget resolution. Ask them to support the efforts to include an additional $7 billion for health and education programs to the FY 2007 budget.

1) If your Representative is a Member of the Budget Committee, ask him/her to support Rep. Rosa DeLauro's (D-CT) Amendment when it is offered in the Budget Committee. A list of Budget Committee Members of Congress is posted at the end of this message.

2) If your Member of Congress is not a Member of the Budget Committee, ask him/her to Support Rep. Michael Castle's (R-DE) plan to amend the budget resolution on the House Floor to include $7 billion the Senate added for health and education programs to the FY 2007 budget.

ACTION IS NEEDED NOW. The Congressional schedule has not been finalized, but the House Budget Committee is expected to consider the resolution this week with floor consideration of the measure likely to take place during the week of April 3.

How to Contact Your Member of Congress

-- Your voice matters - phone calls as well as emails will make an impact on the way your Representative will vote. Remember, this is a matter of urgency.

-- Simply visit . At this site, you should be to follow the step-by-step instructions for calling/emailing your Congressional representative. A sample letter will be provided for you.

-- At the above website, by simply entering your zip code, you will be given the name, address, phone number, fax, website, and email address of your Member of Congress.

-- If you call, don't hesitate to leave a message with the receptionist or on voice mail. You may also ask to speak to the Representatives Health Care Legislative Assistant. Be sure to leave your message, you name, your phone number and if you have time your address. Keep your message brief and to the point.


The House of Representatives is taking up the President's Budget request. As you know, the Senate added money to the section of the budget that funds the NIH thanks to Senators Specter (R-PA) and Harkin (D-IA).

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) plans to offer the Specter-Harkin amendment during the House Budget Committee consideration of the resolution. Rep. Mike Castle (R-Del.) has agreed to take the lead on supporting the Specter-Harkin amendment when the budget is debated on the floor of the House.

Remember As a community we were able to come together to urge a cross section of Republican Senators to vote in favor of providing additional funding for health care and education programs. We need to exert the same all out effort in contacting all House Members - Republicans and Democrats - to deliver the message that the FY 2007 budget must include an additional $7 billion for health and education programs.

House Budget Committee


  • Jim Nussle, IA (Chairman)
  • Jim Ryun, KS
  • Ander Crenshaw, FL
  • Adam Putnam, FL
  • Roger Wicker, MS
  • Kenny Hulshof, MO
  • Jo Bonner, AL
  • Scott Garrett, NJ
  • J. Gresham Barrett, SC
  • Thaddeus McCotter, MI
  • Mario Diaz-Balart, FL
  • Jeb Hensarling, TX
  • Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, FL
  • Dan Lungren, CA
  • Pete Sessions, TX
  • Paul Ryan, WI
  • Mike Simpson, ID
  • Jeb Bradley, NH
  • Patrick McHenry, NC
  • Connie Mack, FL
  • Mike Conway, TX
  • Chris Chocola, IN


  • John Spratt, SC (Ranking Member)
  • Dennis Moore, KS
  • Richard Neal, MA
  • Rosa DeLauro, CT
  • Chet Edwards, TX
  • Harold Ford, Jr., TN
  • Lois Capps, CA
  • Brian Baird, WA
  • Jim Cooper, TN
  • Artur Davis, AL
  • William Jefferson, LA
  • Thomas Allen, ME
  • Ed Case, HI
  • Cynthia McKinney, GA
  • Henry Cuellar, TX
  • Ron Kind, WI
  • Allyson Schwartz, PA

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