Year-in-review meme 2008.

Because it seems to have become a December tradition around here, it's time for the year-in-review meme.

The rule: post the first sentence of the first post for each month.

Younger offspring: In the summer, we went to Yosemite and stayed in a cabin.

Elder offspring: Do you know why eggs are egg-shaped?

A colleague of mine (who has time to read actual printed-on-paper newspapers in the morning) pointed me toward an essay by Andrew Vickers in the New York Times (22 January 2008) wondering why cancer researchers are so unwilling to share their data.

It's time to unplug from the ScienceBorg.

This post is standing in for a lecture and class discussion that would be happening today if I knew how to be in two places at once.

Following up on the post in which I examined how the SVP Ethics Education Committee responded to the allegations of unethical conduct that have come to be known as "Aetogate," this post will discuss what the committee identifies as the "lessons learned" from this investigation.

In case anyone remembers a post back in February which featured drawings by the elder Free-Ride offspring inspired by this kids' book about the elements ...

Because it's been one of those weeks.

The sprogs were beside themselves with excitement yesterday on the eve of the first day of a new school year.

It's October, which means ScienceBlogs bloggers are, once again, participating in the DonorsChoose Blogger Challenge.

I've been thinking about the Electoral College, that mechanism by which voters in the U.S. indirectly elect their president.

I was marveling at the Chemistry gift guide at MAKE.

* * * * *

This past year, five out of twelve months began with the sprogs. (However, at least a few of those months had significant non-sprog content within hours of the sprog-centered posts.) Also, I had forgotten completely about my first post in April.

Thanks for being here in 2008.

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