Blogger Challenge 2007 thank-you poem: narcolepsy.

Near the end of our 2007 DonorsChoose Blogger Challenge, I received a generous donation from a reader who asked if I could write a poem about narcolepsy.

I'm a little late in paying up, but better late than never. Here it is:

I tried to write you
a narcolepsy poem.
Pen meets paper, but --


Excessive daytime
sleepiness, or writer's block?
Push through fatigue and --


Pen in my hand,
Body crumpled, inert, but
cataplexy won't --


Sleep paralysis.
Awake, yet I can't move or
try the lines aloud.


Drifting into sleep,
vivid hallucinations
scare me, but I must --


Talking in my sleep.
Later, I'll not remember
my inspiration.


Diagnosis lags
onset by a decade, more.
This verse: not that late.

* * * * *

This year, once again, I'll be offering incentives for your donation to my challenge -- including poetry (nerdy) written to order. Stay tuned for the details.

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When is the Writers' Block Party?

By Super Sally (not verified) on 02 Oct 2008 #permalink

Very nicely done
Did you know Ron Jeremy
Suffers from it too?

(Or so I have heard
On the cast of 'Orgasmo's
Commentary track)

By Funkopolis (not verified) on 09 Oct 2008 #permalink