Update on NYC bloggers/readers meet-up.

I have a little bit more (tentative) information on the upcoming meet-up in Manhattan on Saturday, August 9 (which is only two weeks away):

  • The time looks like it will fall in the 2:00-4:00 PM time slot.
  • The location is looking like it will be in or near Central Park.

I know that a meet-up in Central Park undercuts the initial promise of air conditioning. Nonetheless, I am convinced it will still be a fun time, and that no one will melt into a puddle of dissatisfaction. I say this as a former denizen of the East Coast who lost her ability to hold up under humidity within 8 months of moving to the San Francisco Bay Area -- I will gladly brave the heat and humidity to meet y'all, and I'm guessing the selection of bloggers to meet (and the swag) will make it worthwhile for those of you better acclimated to the muggy than I am.

Now, it has come to my attention that Ed Brayton is spreading rumors about me. Here's how he describes the bloggers who have publicly announced their intentions to be at the bloggers/readers meet-up:

Sheril from the Intersection; Orac from Respectful Insolence; Jake from Pure Pedantry; Zuska from Thus Spake Zuska; Josh from Thoughts from Kansas; Coturnix from Blog Around the Clock; Brian from Laelaps; Janet from Adventures in Ethics and Science (who I hear can drink any of us under the table; I don't plan to challenge her); Mark from the Denialism blog; and the infamous GrrlScientist.

(Bold emphasis added)

I have no idea where Ed might be getting this information -- none at all! It sounds like the kind of hearsay one might cultivate about oneself precisely so one didn't get sucked into drinking contests.

But an ethicist would never cultivate false rumors about herself, would she?

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By fizzchick (not verified) on 31 Jul 2008 #permalink