Breaking news on the DonorsChoose Blogger Challenge.

I've just been told that Seed is putting up $15,000 in matching funds for the ScienceBlogs/DonorsChoose Blogger Challenge, as part of the Seed Media Group Science Literacy Grants program.

As it stands, we've already raised just over $13,000. With the match from Seed, that becomes $26,000.

Go check out the challenges and help us take advantage of the full match!

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Seed is putting up $15,000 in matching funds for our DonorsChoose Challenge, as part of their Science Literacy Grants program. You give $20, the kids get $40. What more could you ask for? You know what to do ...
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I know I would. So how do you do that? Well, Seed Media Group will help you by matching your donation. The first $15,000 in donations made through the Scienceblogs Challenge will be matched by Seed Media Group through its Science Literacy Grants. From the press release: Seed Media Group is…

Great news!

However... 15+13=26? I'll have to tell Mark CC about this.

By dileffante (not verified) on 08 Oct 2007 #permalink

The way matching funds work is that we raise money and then Seed matches what we raise -- up to $15,000.

This means if we don't get any further than the $13,000 raised so far, we only get $13,000 of the matching money.

(I actually do pretty well with the adding most of the time.)

Oops, I see. Thanks for the explanation. :-*

By dileffante (not verified) on 08 Oct 2007 #permalink