"Science, trust - and choosing to vaccinate"

Science is nothing without trust.

We trust each other to perform experiments exactly how we say we did.

We trust each other to report our findings exactly how they turned out.

We *have* to trust each other, or else we just sit in our labs doing the same experiments over and over and over, to see the results with our own eyes.

That is one of the reasons why scientists get so pissed off when experimental protocols are not accurately reported, or worse, when data is not accurately reported (if not outright fabricated).

This article highlights the role trust plays in science from a different angle:

Science, trust - and choosing to vaccinate

(also here) LOVE IT! WONDERFUL! Hope you all will go over and give Alice Callahan some support-- you know she will need it after the anti-vaxers find that article.


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Contrary to many claims on the Internet, scientists are not in bed with Big Pharma, conspiring make millions at the expense of your childâs health. They are in bed with their husbands and wives, probably chatting about their latest failed cell culture experiment.

I'm not sure then that I want to be at all privy to the pillow talk of HIV researchers. Not the kind of stuff which makes for a good Dear Penthouse letter.

More articles like these would be a boon. The comments attached make one realise that there are indeed level-headed folk out there - well until this attention attracts the 'nutbars' that is :( Thanks Abbie.

You make a very illogical point here, Abbie. Surely the thousands of people who got their information at internet forums and from C-list celebrities in a matter of two weeks have better expertise on health topics than the evil scientists and doctors who went through a tight selection process and worked on these topics for more than 20 years, doing +50 hours/week?

I'm offended at your lack of respect for the people who put their free time to read all those internet articles. Offended I say.

By mo (one of Abb… (not verified) on 18 Jan 2012 #permalink

Thank you for posting this! And I wasn't trying to cap on the sex lives of scientists, I swear:)

I'm still waiting for the nutbars to find it. In the meantime, I too am really heartened by the number of supportive responses. I see so much loud anti-vax nonsense out there that I forget that most people actually do trust the science and their doctors, and they might feel validated by having another scientist speak with that same sentiment.

Adverse consequences of vaccinations do happen and it is more common than you might initially think. Though I never believed it was possible until it happened to me. (severe illness for over 10 years)

Maybe we need to do more research on why these reactions happen in the first place. With some success, this will ultimately reduce the risk close to zero.

@6: damn spambots are getting sneakier all the time.