Apocalypse called off

Oh thank god.

I am not a '3 Quarks Daily' finalist.

While I certainly appreciate readers nominating and voting for me (getting that kind of support for the semi-finals was award enough for me!), the day I win some kind of award for writing is the day before the end of the Universe as we know it. I write ERV for fun and for educational purposes and for lulz, not like, for realsies writing equal to that of Carl Zimmer.

That being said, I am extremely pleased that 'Starts With A Bang' is still in the running. I think Ethan has, hands down, one of the best science blogs. Not just 'best of current science blogs', I mean 'best science blogs ever'. Every one of his posts is gold, not just the one officially nominated. Love it. Hope he wins!


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I would second any support for 'Starts With a Bang'. There are blogs I read here for a bit of lulz and then there is Ethan and his amazing ability to explain wondrous things to physics dunces like me.

brilliant blog.

By Richard D (not verified) on 13 Jun 2011 #permalink

I also appreciate "Starts with a Bang", although he has a totally different approach to blogging. I come to ERV for entertainment, drama (lots of that!), fun (that, too!), and edjamacation even when I have just a bit of free time, and the experience of visiting here after having a beer or two is (at least a lot of the time) roughly the same. I go to "Starts with a Bang" when I got an hour or so to learn something really cool, but expect that I will have to do my part. But it is always worth the investment.

I thought it was a fantastic post. I wanted to vote when you wrote the other post saying you had been nominated, but the poll was already closed :-/

K...that's what I'll do...though I would have anyway once erv was not advanced!