... believe in God? Join the club. Media round up!



Nick Singer is the current president of OKC Atheists. Hes ushered us through an absolutely massive growth spurt. Like, a so large it is actually kind of obnoxious growth spurt. We do at least a dozen activities a month, from parents and kids hanging out at the zoo or a museum to the grown ups partying at a bar to movie nights to volunteer days to podcasts... and like, the activities are packed. The last pizza party I went to, we basically took over the entire resturant (there used to be a Church group that came the same night. we ran them off with our massiveness). Men, women, kids, homosexuals, young, old, even some non-white peoples! Insanity!

Over the past few days, Nick has been on a media rampage for our kickass billboard! Every TV station wants a piece of him. Even Telemundo. No joke.

Well the first video has been posted, and it is predictable and hysterical.

The tease starts at 2.40, with an image above the news anchor saying "... believe in God?" HA!

The bit starts at 2.50. I think my favorite part is them showing a guy saying "I HOPE IT GETS BURNT DOWN!.... ACCIDENTALLY *WINK!!!*", but they dont show the guys name. "Harass thee but not me!" says the pussy, as he hides behind his shades.

I will update this tonight/tomorrow when other stations upload their bits. Nick is also going to be on FOX 25 tonight... along with an expose on a local pastor that hangs out at local strip clubs... I dunno why hes not allowed to go to strip clubs, but I still think the juxtaposition is funny.

Edit 10 pm--
The FOX25 one is better.
Once again, I am shocked that any African American (or African) would ever be a Christian. I simply cannot fathom adopting the religion of the people who enslaved and oppressed my ancestors. I cannot comprehend it, and it disgusts me. But you know, to each their own :-D

Edit 9-8-10--
KOCO didnt bother interviewing Nick, but they did find Yet Another Black Dude who is SHOCKED and OFFENDED by the billboard. Okay, to me, its like Jews deciding to become Nazis because Hitler had some good ideas. Thats what African/African American Christians are to me.

Also NOTE TO THE CIVILITY POLICE: What, exactly is uncivil and offensive about that billboard? Ill tell you what. NOTHING. NOT A GODDAMN THING. But these idiots are still offended because our very existence offends them. 'Civility' is the last refuge of the moron.


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Bubblehead: "they hope people will see it and join their club."

too funny!

Holy shit! Shorter last guy: "I don't think people should be able to freely express their beliefs. I'm gonna express my beliefs for a minute, though."

By Optimus Primate (not verified) on 07 Sep 2010 #permalink

This publicity oughta cut the TTV (Time 'Til Vandalism) down by at least half...

A few thought occur to me. Firstly I really hate local news, the whole enterprise looks cheap and small; and does every female coanchor across the country share that one voice?

Secondly, virtually all people who are religious practice the religion of their conquerors. Europe was converted by the Romans remember.

We've had 8 people join up with the AOK meetup group in the last 24 hours, and at least one has said it was by finding out from the news coverage.

How about this for a future billboard?:
"Your friendly local atheists say 'READ YOUR BIBLE'"

By Childermass (not verified) on 08 Sep 2010 #permalink

"I sure hope people don't associate it with my business."


I'm going to Ted's Appliances and rebuke his refrigerators.

Did people wander into the lumber yard and ask to see a cardiologist when the heart hospital billboard was up on I-35?

By Prometheus (not verified) on 08 Sep 2010 #permalink

As the wise man said: "If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people."

Incredible! Ask a simple question and enrage the non-thinkers.

By bigjohn756 (not verified) on 08 Sep 2010 #permalink

They really just need to go ahead and get a clip of Eddie Murphy's dad yelling, "I jumped back and said, 'Can you believe this motherfuckin' shit?'"

By Optimus Primate (not verified) on 08 Sep 2010 #permalink

accidentally burn it, wow, you just let people talk freely to a microphone and they will happily use the opportunity to hang themselves. what was he thinking?

Firstly I really hate local news, the whole enterprise looks cheap and small; and does every female coanchor across the country share that one voice?

Yes, they do. They teach that voice in Journamalism Trade School because that's The Voice You Use In News Broadcasts Or Else.

Civility' is the last refuge of the moron.

Ah gee, there goes Ms. Smith being a dick according to Dr. Phil Plait, the latest convert to Mooneyism.

The pastor at the strip bar story was more fun.

He drove all the way from Anadarko to hang out all day, four days a week in one of those horrible OKC cinder block scuzz huts on 29th street.

5 bucks says they have chili and or coupons and at least one dancer is visibly pregnant.

The "investigative journalists" look like they flunked the casting call for "Glee" and decided to open their own detective agency.

I love them chasing him at 100 Mph all the way back to Caddo County in the rain and asking to talk to his wife.

".....and I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling kids from the local Fox News Mystery Team!"

By Prometheus (not verified) on 08 Sep 2010 #permalink

"You're not showing me proper respect when you don't believe my claims about my god," is how we atheists are being uncivil. Making a point of letting others know that there are people who don't believe in gods is "just not done". We would not want kids to find out that there are people who don't believe in gods when the brainwashing is going on.

By freelunch (not verified) on 08 Sep 2010 #permalink

This kind of reaction is what I expect from what Daniel Dennett described as the "believers in belief".

They don't have any real cosmological investment in the magic so much as an investment in the proposition of the world unraveling if we don't all participate in the fiction of divine retribution.

Breaking the third wall of a global delusion is what keeps international investment bankers sweating in their silk sheets and religion has been around a hell of a lot longer than paper money.

On the other hand...

I am certain that more than a few think if everyone does not participate, the magic will not work.

And what a sad state of affairs it is when people are subject to base primitive terrors and don't even have the self respect to be ashamed of their fear.

By Prometheus (not verified) on 08 Sep 2010 #permalink

Bblockquote>But these idiots are still offended because our very existence offends them.

This is why "Don't be a dick." is not possible. If you are an atheist, then as far as theists (at least all the ones I know) are concerned you are a dick by definition.

Back to putting up useless and nonsensical billboards to offend the masses are we? That's okay. Especially when the masses take it down and replace it with theirs. We are offended because you are idiots who threaten us in every possible way that can be named. You threaten our very civilization with your worship of darwin, the earth, and whatever else you think is your God.

Let the billboard war begin. My favorite is the one of George W. Bush smiling with the slogan "Miss me yet?" on it. That's classic. I'll be glad when they put up one says "leave the Koran alone, just burn the origin of Species."

Speaking of burning things, isn't it simply amazing that Islamocites and liberals get their panties in a wad over the burning of one Koran by one man in Florida. Yet the same commie liberals and braindead news reporters never get upset when the Islamocites burn the bible or our flag. I guess tolerance only works one way. Thank darwin for this overwhelming love for fascist one sided bigotry by both Islamocites and commie hippy liberturds. Thank darwin, the creator of the universe for double standards and his teachings on evolutionary turdology, aka fascism, racism, and all other isms. I bet if Islamocites were burning the Bible on 9/11 the news media would never even mention it. I guess as long as libs burn our flag, that pretty much takes away their voice on burning anything. If they can burn the flag we can burn one too - theirs. The next time an Islamocite or liberturd commie burns an American flag I hope someone sprays rocket fuel at them. Better yet, I hope they wrap themselves in it before setting it on fire. As long as they burn our flag, we can burn their Koran. Right? Ole, Habib Abdullah Muhammed Al Jazerexsad can just give up. We already won.

Is Tootles for real? Geez, ERV, you sure do attract the nutcases.

Tootles, so much venom drips from your words I think we might need antivenin treatments. Yuck. Reading your post kind of makes me feel like I stepped in something stinky and unpleasant.

I find it odd that you don't understand the difference between burning a country's flag and burning a religiously sacred item. I hate it when people burn our flag but it is not the same as desecrating people's religious items. I may think all of your holy books and sacred items are goofy but I wouldn't use their destruction as a tool to make people feel violated. I respect your right to have imaginary friends and have no desire to destroy your, or any other religion's, sacred items.

If it bothers you when idiots burn your bible or our flag, why don't you care that it makes the average Muslim feel violated when some idiot burns their Koran? Oh, let me guess, it only bothers you when the offense is against you and your kind, right?

The hateful scumbags who burn flags, bibles, and Korans are the same kind of people. They are all idiots and the people who support them are idiots.

Now, on to the topic of the thread. I think it is great that your group put up the billboard, Ab. The news coverage sucked, as it usually does when they cover anything atheist related, but at least the sign got some publicity. I'm sure it will bring new people to the group. It sounds like your group is doing very well. That's wonderful.

By RayvenAlandria (not verified) on 08 Sep 2010 #permalink

Why do I think Poe when I read Tootles post? Just too over the top. If he/she is not a Poe, then he/she is just creepy.

Re Tootles @ #18

Yet the same commie liberals and braindead news reporters never get upset when the Islamocites burn the bible or our flag.

Mr. Tootles demonstrates by this comment that he/she is totally ignorant of Islamic theology. The fact is that the Hebrew and Christian bibles are considered holy books in Islam and are a part of the theology of that religion. A Muslim who burned either of those books would be considered guilty of blasphemy by the believers of that faith.

"A Muslim who burned either of those books would be considered guilty of blasphemy by the believers of that faith."


The Nation of Islam has been burning Korans since the third Caliphate for the same reasons xtians have been burning bibles since the fifth century.

Variation is anathema to any totalitarian system.

Bible burnings happen from time to time in Islamic countries.

They also pee on them.


The politicians, imams, pundits and "The Rev" are just attention whoring. Since I doubt they are going to Webber grill a first dialect Arabic text on Saturday, technically they act in a fashion pleasing to Allah.

Most people are ignorant of the history of their faith. It is the only way they can embrace it without throwing up.

By Prometheus (not verified) on 09 Sep 2010 #permalink

Most people are ignorant of the history of their faith. It is the only way they can embrace it without throwing up.

Im having that engraved.

Most people are ignorant of the history of their faith. It is the only way they can embrace it without throwing up.


I know what you mean. I think the same thing every time I see some "science" person embracing the religion of darwinism not realizing that it has led to mass genocide and racism of the highest evolutionary order.

So..... before 1859 there was no racism?


The descendants of twelve million slaves would love to discuss your theory with you Tootles. Go forth and explicate.

By Prometheus (not verified) on 10 Sep 2010 #permalink

You've gotten that right; it's our very existence that pisses those people off.

For example, check out this guy, Mariano.

You'll love how that guy treats atheist charities.. Check out his Atheist Bus Ads and Billboards section..

He's discussed here.

virtually all people who are religious practice the religion of their conquerors. Europe was converted by the Romans remember.

That's not quite true, actually.

First Rome conquered, then Christianity spread within it, with intermittent periods of persecution by the Roman government, and then from Constantine I onward it went from official acceptance to official state religion.

What actually happened was that in the aftermath of the disintegration of the Western Empire and its government, the Church was the only Roman institution that was left behind to fill the vacuum. The barbarian tribes that occupied former Roman territories wanted to be seen as members of the civilized club and embracing Christianity was part of it.

Whereas the spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire was largely a bottom-up affair, in the post-Roman era, it was a top-down affair. A Christian princess would be married to a pagan king. She would influence him either to convert to Christianity or at the very least allow Christian priests to proselytize in the kingdom. Either the king would end up converting, or his baptized son who succeeded him would make Christianity the official religion of the kingdom, and the Christian priests would be given reign to destroy pagan places of worship and build churches over them.

Dear White Chick,

Don't start talking about what Black people should or shouldn't do. It's racist.
