National Day of Prayer-- A musical interlude

Oh yeah-- Today is the National Day of Prayer (WHOOO NICK! WHOOOOO!!!).

Lets celebrate!

This catchy tune from 2004 is still 100% relevant-- from abortion to child rape... good times...

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So Wallaids thinks that a woman should be forced to give birth because she happened to have her body grotesquely violated. Maybe we should try shoving something the size of a baby up his ass and then see what he thinks about this issue.

BTW, a lump of cells is the same thing as a child? Essentialism at its finest.

By Tyler DiPietro (not verified) on 06 May 2010 #permalink

And Willy Wally kills 65 million proto-children every time he shuffles one off.

No, we just think the father should take care of the gestation of his kid. To do so we have to remove it from the mother first. It's hardly our fault if he's not around or not willing to have it implanted. In either case he's the one who's not ensuring the necessary nutrients and hormones are leached out of his body to foster his kid.

But you guys have it all wrong. In Willy's view, if a woman gets pregnant because of rape, it would hardly be the rapist's fault; she asked for it and brought it on herself. Rapists never rape anyone unprovoked.Amirite, Willy?

"thinks you should murder an unborn child because it's father happens to be a rapist"

It's not quite as extreme as thinking that it is justifiable to eternally punish every human being because Adam and Eve ate an apple, but I sincerely doubt that Willie has any problem with that sort of trans-generational punishment.

By Albatrossity (not verified) on 07 May 2010 #permalink

I wondered when ERV would remark on the fact that Oklahoma now has added mandatory rape by instrumentation (trans-vaginal ultrasound) to the long list of exciting challenges on the obstacle course of pre-termination requirements.

I was considering drafting what I have dubbed the "Don Knotts Addendum" to 63 O.S.Section 1-738.3b wherein a woman seeking an abortion in Oklahoma must demonstrate the capacity to deal with potential trauma by spending the night in a state certified replica of the haunted house in "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken".

Then I realized Lisa Billy is so irredeemably dumb she might actually introduce it on the house floor.

By Prometheus (not verified) on 07 May 2010 #permalink

Very good song except for the part at like 2:10 about "beauty in religion and love and joy and hope." It's false love, false joy, and false hope.

And William is just a prat. Ignore him.

By Kemanorel (not verified) on 07 May 2010 #permalink

Funny, the first known writings on abortion are from ancient Egypt, yet there is no explicit ban on abortion in the Bible. It seems that you have to interpret the Bible in order to get that abortion is bad. You cannot be anti-abortion for religious reasons and be a Biblical literalist.


I used to like to go to rodeos. Then bull riding became what everybody wanted to see, but that was OK. See, bull riders are assholes and I could root for the bull. Then the ultra cheesy God fearing crap got intertwined with it. I'd go to the rodeo and hear some guy who sounded like Earl Pitts saying crap like "They can take the prayer out of our schools, they can have abortion, etc..." and "Oh Lord, please protect these bull riders from harm and..." Well, he didn't stop 9/11, why should he care about the bull riders? They're no longer entertaining.


The "argument" offered by the guy at that site is a false dichotomy buttressed by unstated premises and strung together with non-sequitors. Specifically, he says you either have to pick the right of the mother to "liberty" or the "child's" right to "life and liberty". And then he assumes, without considering any possible mitigating circumstances, that we have to violate the woman's rights because it's some kind of lesser evil.

To undermine all this, you just have to reverse his question: why do undeveloped humans have the right to continue their development? As what stage in development does this right begin? Is a lump of undifferentiated cells really equal to a human?

By Tyler DiPietro (not verified) on 07 May 2010 #permalink

So this guy thinks you should murder an unborn child because it's father happens to be a rapist. Nice.

People who spout crap like this really don't seem to understand how traumatic the experience of being raped can be for a woman. To force that woman to carry the pregnancy to term that resulted from the rape is to inflict a daily reminder on her of the horror she experienced, a horror that those of us who are men will never have to endure.

To force that woman to carry the pregnancy to term that resulted from the rape is to inflict a daily reminder on her of the horror she experienced, a horror that those of us who are men will never have to endure.

People who spout crap like this really don't seem to understand how traumatic the experience of being aborted is for a child.

Take a look at some of the videos, if you have the stomach for it. (Warning, I do not recommend actually watching these, but if you're for abortion, and you think you're the open minded type who likes to consider both sides, take a peek.)

The rape/incest argument is a canard, anyway, in that a very small percentage of abortions are due to rape/incest, though I'd be willing to look at any sources you have that argue otherwise. My point is, even in the case of rape, the existence of an unborn child is not the crime. A woman is likely to suffer her whole life after being raped, even if she doesn't become pregnant. How much more so after realizing she killed an innocent child because its father was a criminal?