Well shit.

I went to sleep last night, happy as a clam cause my young girl dreams of destroying the planet and everything on it were finally about to come true thanks to BOOBS...

And then I wake up this morning.

And now Im sure we are going to have to deal with The Accommodationists bitching about how very rude and uncivil it was of us to prove to the world that the god of Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi does not exist, but really the religion of Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi is so more elegant and enlightened than us petty scientists were making it out to be anyway, blah blah blah.



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Oh Abby, I expected better of you than that snipe at us Accommodationists. I have been lauding the Boobquake on my blog for a few days now. I fail to see why you might think I would do otherwise.

I am going with, you all didn't dress immodestly enough. You may have to go topless, also pics or didn't happen.

I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin.

Could be a dose-response issue.

JohnV is right. We're going to need more data points so we can get a proper dose-response

I think we need further testing. If showing cleavage didn't work, then we need to up the ante. I propose a National Wear-a-bikini-to-work Day. And if that doesn't do it, then maybe a topless day.

@6 Mobius

I might get punched in the head for suggesting this but we could also convince all the women dress in burkas for a day and see if the seismographs call down. Possible side benefit...the religious fundamentalist asshats might STFU for 24 hours and let us drink our coffee and do our science in peace.

You know you're just being lazy. If you really want to destroy the world you're going to have to work at it.

That is why you got into viruses, isn't it?

If enough men go around "hangin' brain", will that end up causing volcanic eruptions?

By minimalist (not verified) on 27 Apr 2010 #permalink

This whole business is totally irresponsible. It was bad enough when the goal was just a few earthquakes, but now it's the destruction of the entire earth. You are worse than those maniacs at the LHC. At least they are going to destroy the earth by accident, but you are trying to do it on purpose. Just because you think it won't work isn't an excuse.

On the other hand, as a scientist I am rather interested in the mechanism.

By Keith Harwood (not verified) on 27 Apr 2010 #permalink