IMPORTANT NEWS! Someone says stuff they have said in the past and are acting the same way they always act!

Its not news that I like vampire fiction. Grew up with Lestat, eh, its my fluff hobby.

One of my favorite vampires is Andre, from the Sookie Stackhouse mysteries. Dunno why-- hes not in the books a lot, but there was something about him that caught my fancy. (spoilers ahead) I got (and still am) real mad at Sookie for getting him killed. See, Andre did something particularly vampirish in the service of his Queen (his maker and love for eternity). This pissed Sookie off. Why, I dont know. The few things we know about Andre is that he is a VAMPIRE and he will do ANYTHING for his queen. Thats what he DOES. Thats his THING. Why anyone would be shocked at his behavior is beyond me.

But Sookie got him killed, so, there you go.

Similarly, I am completely baffled at Orac being weirded out by Mooneytits latest 'advice' for combating anti-vaccinations.

Chris is acting the same way he always acts. How can this be shocking?

May 6, 2009: Some outspoken scientists may have actually increased the polarization on this issue. For example, calling those against vaccines "scientifically illiterate"--or, as CDC vaccine expert Stephen Cochi reportedly put it to one journalist, "junk scientists and charlatans"--may just lead to a further circling of the wagons.

Now, at the time I thought this was real goddamned funny cause Orac says stuff a LOT worse than the guy from the CDC that Mooneytits threw under the bus.

I thought it was especially funny cause ORAC is quoted favorably in the same goddamned article:

... I think it's definitely a response to the science, which has consistently shown no correlation," says David Gorski, a cancer surgeon funded by the National Institutes of Health who in his spare time blogs at Respectful Insolence, a top medical blog known for its provaccine stance....

... "I don't think they woke up that this was a serious problem until maybe 2008," David Gorski says about the growing antivaccine sentiment. George Washington University's Hotez notes that "the office of the surgeon general, the secretary of Health and Human Services, and the head of the CDC have not been very vocal on this issue."...

And, Orac pointed people to the article from his blog:

I will, however, refer you to some good reading on the topic. Chris Mooney has written an excellent article for Discover entitled Why Does the Vaccine/Autism Controversy Live On? You might even recognize one or more of the people he interviewed.

Well, Orac was 'under the weather' at the time. Maybe he didnt read the 'excellent' article before he plugged it.

My superpower is, I can predict what Creationists are going to do before they do it. I wonder if that power extends to people like Mooneytits:

My conclusion was obvious, if Mooneytits would do that to PZ, he would do it to any of us.

Wonder how Orac is going to be 'framed' in Mooneytits next bestseller?? *sits on edge of seat*

More like this

DRAMA-LLAMA-DING-DONG! Just an observation. Move along, unless youre bored on a Sunday afternoon. So you all know how I 'debated' Charles Jackson a few months ago? Like over 9,000 hours of presentation and Q&A? Well, I answered a lot more Qs after the Q&A, after we had officially '…
Unfortunately, Orac has been feeling a bit under the weather since last night--so much so that he actually did something he rarely does and stayed home from work. But enough with the third person schtick. If I feel better later, maybe I'll post something. Hopefully I'll be back to 100% tonight and…
Season 2 of True Blood starts tonight. Excuse me for a moment. *ahem* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! *giddyclappingandgiggling* Now before you roll your eyes and ask 'What the hell is up with vampires these days? Is 'True Blood' just a slightly less pathetic version of 'Twilight' shit?', watch this…
Hi girls! **waves excitedly** Its a big day, right? YAY! I know you all are totally pepped up, and I dont want to be a Debbie Downer again... but well... see, when I was your alls age, 12-ish, I was in love with a family of vampires too. The main dude wasnt Edward, though. His name was Lestat…

More importantly, I wonder if Orac is going to rethink his inexcusably naive defense of Piss Moaney's attempts at throwing PZ under the bus in Unscientific America.

Mooney's absolute silence on the blogosphere since Orac called him out is pretty deafening. I'm starting to think maybe even he can realize when he has put his foot into it.

Mooney's absolute silence on the blogosphere since Orac called him out is pretty deafening.

Really? I fail to see how it's any different from anything he's done before. I'd more surprised if he made a substantiated rebuttal.

But I'm sure he's just too busy at the moment, planning how to best turn PoI into a selfserving wankfest. I can only pity his poor cohosts.

Sookie doesn't make allowances for vampirism. She seems to think that vampires should try to be good people. That's why tries to treat them courteously but also why she gets so upset when they do immoral things. It's part of why she got so pissed off with Bill.

(No subtext intended: it's just more interesting than wondering how best to make a bunch of moronic conspiracy theorists see sense. Hint: it can't be done. Best bet is to try to keep their numbers down.)

Yeah whatever happened to Ann Rice?

Anne Rice got Jeebus and now writes religious fiction (as if it all weren't). Given her propensity for weird and/or homosex, I wonder who Jesus porks? Similarly, I can see Mooney staying true to form and only talk about those who agree with him. I think he's currently plugging his book again, and I'm sure he'll use his CFI platform to push his milquetoast attitude on others.

I tried to point out to Mooney that "ur doing it wrong" when he writes books and posts that mock and criticize AGW deniers and republicans--even the moderate ones!--but haven't heard back from him. God willing he'll be at the NIH on Monday giving a talk so I can ask him again.

@8 gillt

God willing?

With all do respect...

BLASPHEMER!!! May his all loving, infinitely merciful noodly appendage reach down from STRIPPER and BEER fountain filled HEAVEN and BURN THE VERY FLESH FROM YOUR BONES FOR THIS SLIGHT!!!

Yours in love!!:)

Re gillt

Yes, Mooneytits is not quite so accommodating when confronting AGW deniers like Marc Morano.

I was super disappointed to find out that Mooney is one of the new hosts of Point of Inquiry over at CFI. I love me some DJ Groethe. Thankfully he is doing another podcast now.

I was all excited that CFI was going in the right direction with blasphemy day and whatnot. Then they brought this jerk on board.

Ophelia B has a good comment on this latest salvo in the Colgate Wars, over at B&W.

"And please don't blame the Cavity Creeps for anything, it's all down to overly-strident dentists and floss-fundamentalism!"


"Anne Rice got Jeebus and now writes religious fiction (as if it all weren't). Given her propensity for weird and/or homosex, I wonder who Jesus porks?"

Honestly I suspect she figured she'd tapped out the vampire market, or at least she knew she was running out of material, and thus "converted" to a whole new market.

At least, when someone with stuff to sell switches from one all-in persona ("New Orleans Gothy Lady") to another all-in persona ("Palm Springs Catholic Mystic"), swapping a whole wardrobe and home interior design schema for another, and both personas happen to be in line with the material being produced at the time... I smell 'marketing', not 'sincerity'.


You love vampire fiction, eh, ERV? Could I suggest an absoutely, fantastically hilarious series by Christopher Moore that my sister turned me to?

Book 1: Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story
Book 2: You Suck: A Love Story
Book 3: Bite Me: A Love Story (slated to be out next month)

I'm not even a big fan of vampire fiction, but I loved these.

Best of all... no sparkly ones and no whiny, annoying internal dialog about how hot a guy is every time she sees him.

Jon H@#13

"Honestly I suspect she figured she'd tapped out the vampire market, or at least she knew she was running out of material, and thus "converted" to a whole new market."

Her husband died and she sold the New Orleans properties to move into an mega mansion with her son in California. Rumor has it she never comes downstairs. I believe it. I had dinner with her once. She's nuts.

She really couldn't write worth a damn when she lost her belly full of catholic rage over the living Christ abandoning her. So *meh*

Kemanorel @#14
"You love vampire fiction, eh, ERV? Could I suggest an absoutely, fantastically hilarious series by Christopher Moore that my sister turned me to?"

Seconding this, Moore and The Bride are pals and he is very funny.

Stupidest Angel is a great stocking stuffer.

RE: The topic.

Orac is going to regret not excoriating Mooney immediately.

He has spent years of his life with the monsters Mooney wants to hold hands with this time around. Let the backstabbing begin.

Is it just me or does Mooney needs a new metaphor (and brain)?

You build bridges to get from A to B and back. I personally can't think of a thing I need to import from Anti-Vax Bullshitzivania.

Anti-vaxers have spent too much time vilifying decent people who help prevent the crippling, sickening and death of children. I am all for them finally coming over to the side of reason but at this point the fuckers can swim.

By Prometheus (not verified) on 08 Feb 2010 #permalink

Over at the Mooneytits blog, they started a thread about NOAA establishing a climate service. A fucktard calling himself Andy Fox posted a number of comments denying AGW. It appears that Mr. Fox is also an evolution denier. Another commenter calling himself Bob posted the following sarcastic comment.

14. bob Says:
February 8th, 2010 at 5:36 pm

Sheril, I look forward to you and Chrisâ coming effort to build a bridge to Andy Fox.…

Mooney should go into structural engineering if he wants to build bridges so god(s) damned much.

By Tyler DiPietro (not verified) on 08 Feb 2010 #permalink

Prometheus wrote: "Her husband died and she sold the New Orleans properties to move into an mega mansion with her son in California. Rumor has it she never comes downstairs. I believe it. I had dinner with her once. She's nuts."

She was recently interviewed on the BBC, with a visit to her Palm Springs home. Lots of "look at this view, it reminds me of the Holy Land" and "this ornate crucifix blah blah blah" and "I take this sculpture of Jesus in pain on the cross everywhere I go".

It appears the death of her husband was more than she could bear.

While everyone else was reading "Interview" I had to be different and read "The Witching Hour" which was far superior.

From vamps to zombies...

Mooney is so one-note that his commentary on very different topics is entirely predicable, like Nesbitt and Olson.

Angels are the new vampires. Anne Rice said so herself.

"Grew up with Lestat, eh, its my fluff hobby."

Same here. And like you not knowing the exact reason why Andre is one of your favorite vampires, Armand from Interview With The Vampire and the Vampire Chronicles is one of mine.

Not sure why. Yeah, Lestat is the front man and Louis is tortured and beautiful but it was always Armand that kept me coming back for more.