LOL wut? ERV and Ed on BlaggingHeads

LOL! I didnt know this was up yet!

Me and Ed Yong blithering for like, and hour :P

Full diavalogue!

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HeHe,who put the names on the frame,your mother?? :P

Nice talk...

Abbie(gail) & Ed: Awesome.

Abbie, I loved your chat with Ed Wong. I ordered his book. If you write a book, I will order yours, too.

By Mr. Whiskers (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink


By Mr. Whiskers (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

Hey, watched it, liked it. Whatd'ya think of this? It seems quite related to some of the diavlog themes. Calling Debbie Downer. Come in please.

P.S. Do not read the comments at the link destination. Why? 1) to avoid an exceptionally black hole of SIWOTI and 2) because you might think that most of us Canadians are stupid. (I tell myself that volunteer bias must be an exceptionally pervasive influence at CBC. This keeps me from losing hope.)

Arg Ive got a post on that lined up for tomorrow.

Unfortunately, I learned about it from Huffington Post, aka anti-vax/anti-science woo crew. *face palm* There are idiots everywhere-- no need to apologize for the Canadian ones.

Except for Denyse O'Leary.

You need to apologize for that.


Is that thunderf00t, the famed Creationist refuter of youtube? It sounds just like him.

By The Higgs Bozo (not verified) on 07 Dec 2008 #permalink

I'm in work so I can't listen yet but no that is not Thunderf00t.

Thunderf00t if far hairier as you can see in his 'beautyintheuniverse' channel on youtube.

"Except for Denyse O'Leary.

You need to apologize for that.


Damn it! I didn't know she was Canadian. *hangs head*...*perks up*... We should have competing apologies for IDers etc. We'll see who will have the longest list! (Australia, you have to apologize ten times for Ken Ham!)

Any progress on the HIV-vaccine-in-five-years post?

Is it just me or do the video and audio for this video not work anymore? The video in the media player in the blog post doesn't load, and the video and mp3 links at bloggingheads are dead.

