I love the internet.

News #1
Felicia Day, the cutest girl on the internet, is going to be a guest patient on House tonight.

If you are Bill O'Reilly or Oprah Winfrey and you dont know who Felicia Day is, welcome to the internet! Get your butt over to Hulu to watch 'Dr. Horrible', and YouTube to watch 'The Guild'.

News #2
Michael Moore just released his latest movie, 'Slacker Uprising'. Hes releasing it online, for free. Gonna watch it after House :P


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Ehh, I'm not a Michael Moore fan, I find he spins many things almost as much as the right wingers, perhaps not quite as frequently, but he does it none-the-less... I'm still going to watch it, it just may involve vodka.

Funny thing about the online release.
It is supposed to be only USA + Canada, however someone made a tiny mistake by using Bittorrent trackers not under their control to push it over the internet. So the rest of the world can view it too.

By Who Cares (not verified) on 23 Sep 2008 #permalink

Plus, you know, anyone who has already downloaded the file can give it to anyone they want, since there's no DRM...

I just watched it and found it very moving.

By Uncephalized (not verified) on 23 Sep 2008 #permalink

I can get behind #1. #2, not so much. Moore wasn't bad back around the time of "Roger & Me" and his short-lived TV show. After that, he decided he was actually important and tried to move out of the court jester role he was suited for. That's not to denigrate court jesters, mind you -- they often spoke the truth to power through humor. Once Moore decided he needed to become culturally relevant, he ceased to be so.

My wife and I just re-watched the last half-season of Buffy so we could see Felicia Day again. Well, and Nathan Fillion. And (primarily for her) Camden Toy. What? You don't know who Camden Toy is? The Übervamp! (and Gnarl from season 6, and one of The Gentlemen from "Hush"). Take a look at his photo on IMDB (without demon makeup), and you may see why my wife likes him.

Also I finally watched The Guild, and it's damn good. Felicia could write for a Joss show, along with being able to sing and act. And she plays violin and knows math. Mmmmm... Everything you ever...

i got to watch it on the big screen last sunday. ('cuz i live in the best little spot on the planet, that's why.) it's good, worth seeing, but not great. it's not even Moore's best work, and definitely nowhere near any Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail, but Hunter's dead and one man can only make so many Fahrenheit 9/11's.

Moore gets too self-congratulatory in this one. there's not a lot of real message, basically just that we're the good guys and we need to get out the youth vote, but it's still not a bad movie by any real measure.

By Nomen Nescio (not verified) on 24 Sep 2008 #permalink