A glimps into the personal life of an evil scientist

People have been sending me links to "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog".

I was like "wtf? Sounds stupid."

Go. Watch. It. NOW!

Seriously! Theyre taking it down Sunday night!


More like this

You are all aware of Joss Whedon's new mini-epic, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, I'm sure. If not, get over there now…it's only freely available until Sunday night. All I can say is that it is about time someone made a sympathetic, musical tribute to supervillains. Now I'm wondering, though…the…
1) I see that as a SF fan with a blog, I am contractually obligated to say something about Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. Enh. It's well-done, but I'm not that much of a Whedon fanboy, and the hapless villain conceit isn't enough to get past the fact that I don't really like musicals. 2) The…
You know what I ought to do? I ought to start every iteration of the endless thread with Neil Patrick Harris singing. Because he is awesome. I don't need to ask if everyone already has a copy of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, do I? (Current totals: 12,098 entries with 1,319,797 comments.)
Well, my Thanksgiving posting break lasted longer than I thought. Real life is a more fun place than the internet though, and I hope you were having lots of fun and food and were not on the internet to notice my absence. Among the things I did this Thanksgiving was watch Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along…

I stayed up late last night to watch Act III, and I LUV'ed it! :) The ending was definitely interesting, and I had to watch it a second time to verify if my suspicions were correct. I'm still not 100% sure, but either way it goes, it was a great short with awesome music.

I was just sent the link to this earlier, and I wholeheartedly agree after watching all three acts. Neil Patrick Harris as a singing villain in a musical short written by Joss Whedon? Definitely a win.

It's a lot of fun. Reminds me of Soon I Will Be Invincible, that book by Austin Grossman. Anyone read that?

By OctoberMermaid (not verified) on 19 Jul 2008 #permalink

It looked like it's so cheesy that it's going to be great fun, but so far I've only had the episodes downloaded from iTunes for the past couple of days and haven't been able to watch it yet. But soon ...

You can buy the episodes on iTunes if you don't get to watch them before Monday. Open this link in a new window if you already have iTunes.

This was hilarious, I'm very pleased. Hopefully, this kind of thing will become more popular and we'll get many more zany Supervillian musicals and whatnot.

Horrible. Dr. Now that's a title for a creationist.

So what is it doing as a title on an hysterically funny tale?

Oh, wait. Hysterical, funny and tale - yup, that fits creationism too. Dood.

By Torbj�rn Lar… (not verified) on 19 Jul 2008 #permalink

Greetings from the Supreme Dalek!!!!

Your minds have been poisoned by this Joss Whedon. DO NOT WATCH this nonsense. Otherwise, we will exterminate... exterminate... EXTERMINATE!!!!

Obey... OBEY.... OBEY!!!!!

By John Kwok (not verified) on 19 Jul 2008 #permalink

Kwok, that's the wrong doctor. But since we're only getting four more NuWho episodes in the next two years, this will do for now.

Hi jrob,

I thought Neil Patrick Harris was doing a great job impersonating Davros. I was expecting Tom Baker to walk in any minute, with Lalla Ward at his side.



By John Kwok (not verified) on 19 Jul 2008 #permalink

"Horrible. Dr. Now that's a title for a creationist."

Though the slimy, rocks-for-brains guy of the musical was clearly Capt. Hammer. If any character was a creationist, it was him.

By an even worse lurker (not verified) on 19 Jul 2008 #permalink

NPH is frakking awesome.

By Dave Wisker (not verified) on 19 Jul 2008 #permalink

Loved it.

Am I the only one who noticed Harris called the watchers of Dr. Hammer's speech "sheeples"? I guess it caught my ear because I use the word all the time.

Made me go "Hmmmmmmmm".

By Rayven Alandria (not verified) on 19 Jul 2008 #permalink

I mean MR. Hammer, not DR.

By Rayven Alandria (not verified) on 19 Jul 2008 #permalink

Doctor Horrible is great fun! Lookin' forward to more . . .

By waldteufel (not verified) on 20 Jul 2008 #permalink

Does Whedon read ERV?

Reference his use of "Tard" in Captain Hammer's last song in act III.

Hi TL,

'Tis more likely that Whedon has read PT or Pharyngula, since those seem be more widely cited in the blogosphere than ERV.



By John Kwok (not verified) on 20 Jul 2008 #permalink

Finks u meenz "Some glimps"

Hi Abbie,

Actually I heard through the grapevine that Whedon is thinking of picking up my proposed science fiction comedy, "Star Trek: The McCourt Factor", which chronicles the exploits of the starship USS Limerick and its commander, one Francis "Frankie" McCourt. Apparently he likes my idea of casting actor - and writer (and acquaintance of mine) - Malachy McCourt as a former Bajorian terrorist.

Of course the opening monologue will be:

"Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Limerick. Its ongoing mission: To seek out new life, new civilizations, and to boldly go..... where no Irish have gone before"

Live Long and Prosper,


By John Kwok (not verified) on 20 Jul 2008 #permalink

Hi Abbie,

A few years ago I used to comment satirically about columns written by Malachy McCourt for a local neighborhood newspaper here in New York City in my letters that were published by that newspaper, observing that he'd be better off auditioning for a part in "Star Trek: The McCourt Factor" than writing more rather inane remarks which I found myself disagreeing with completely (Oddly enough, we remained on good terms, and I heard that he asked a friend of mine how I was, during a recent public appearance he made here in New York City. In the interest of full disclosure, which I've noted elsewhere, especially at Amazon.com, I studied with his famous brother, the memoirist.).

So sorry, fellow ERV readers, I haven't lost my mind yet (Even though I am well aware that Uncommon Dissent IDiot Borg drone DaveScot Springer believes I am a lunatic.).



By John Kwok (not verified) on 20 Jul 2008 #permalink

hehehehehe CUUUUUTE! DS has really been trying really hard to get my attention lately. If I didnt know his heart belonged to Janie, Id think he had a crush on me :P

Dear olegt:

Please remind DaveScot Springer that he owes me a brand new black Zeiss Ikon rangefinder camera, and a Zeiss Biogon 21mm f4.5 lens with lens hood and a 21mm viewfinder as sufficient compensation for calling me the "Jekyll and Hyde of Paleobiology". He has my e-mail address, and I expect to hear from him soon regarding his arrangements for purchasing these items and then having them delivered to me.

Respectfully yours,


By John Kwok (not verified) on 21 Jul 2008 #permalink

hehehehehe CUUUUUTE! DS has really been trying really hard to get my attention lately.

That sand sculpture pic in DaveScot's post was so fugly. Is he trying to say that the Intelligent Designer is a horny teenager with no aesthetic sense?