God Hates Creationists: Part Gazillion

Because I grew up in rural MO, people are surprised to hear the first Creationists I started debating were Islamic Creationists. Yes, through the wonders of the intrawebz, on a forum completely unrelated to Evolution, I ran across some nutty Muslims singing praises of Harun Yoshi or Yomama or something stupid like that.

Just in case youre wondering what Captain Dembski and the DI Brigade would do if the US was a theocracy, I heard lots of fun rumors about how Harun Yanawannadingdongs gang in Turkey ran prostitution rings and blackmailed people who wouldnt do what they wanted, and all sorts of nasty crap, all with the support of the government (Why, der just good Allahz fearin Muslimz doin GAWDS wurk!!).

Well some of the charges against these purveyors of Islamic TARD finally stuck:

Controversial Turkish Islamic author Adnan Oktar was sentenced to three years in prison on Friday for creating an illegal organization for personal gain, state-run Anatolian news agency said.


(H/T Les Lane)

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'Yomama' - heh. I think you'd like our comedic barbershop The Sons of the Desert here in Denmark. I'm afraid only the illustrious Omar Papa carries over into English.

Is there really a difference? The only thing that stops Christian fucks from doing what Islamic fucks do is laws(granted they have the same to condone what they do). Not to say our laws are perfect, obviously not. I just find it funny that so many people assume no Christian would think of doing such a thing. Within 10 minutes of someone making burning-at-the-stake legal, someone would be burnt. .

reading and looking back, I actually sucked ass putting what I was trying to say into perspective, but you get my point.

Oktar, born in 1956, is the driving force behind a richly funded movement based in Turkey that champions creationism, the belief that God literally created the world in six days as told in the Bible and the Koran.

Anyone know who is "richly funding" the creationists in Turkey?
I'm starting a list on my blog of uber rich nutters behind front groups behind religious propaganda weirdness. So far I've got:

Sun Myung Moon
Howard Ahmanson
Richard Mellon Scaife

I'm skipping obvious choices like the Pope.

Nominations welcome.

Not that I feel sorry for that particular example of anti-semitic creationist scum, but I don't exactly trust the Turkish government either.

Is their any evidence for criminal wrongdoing that does not involve trusting the Turkish government? And unlike the Turkish government, I don't count stating or printing what one thinks or expressing one's religion to be criminal wrongdoing even if I think that they are wrong, liars for Mohammad, etc.

The only thing that stops Christian fucks from doing what Islamic fucks do is laws

I don't think it's just the existence of those laws, the enforcement also helps.

By Bayesian Bouff… (not verified) on 10 May 2008 #permalink

I've talked to some of these guys directly as well; I live in the Middle East. They're pretty similar to American Christian fundies in that they hand out leaflets, try convincing you as you walk, but the creationists here usually conflict with the government (unless it's Saudi or Iran, it which case, duck and cover) and rapidly get deported if they're caught. It's not best when most of the population is expatriate, like me, to convince them that just by being in the country there's something wrong with them due to doctrine.

Having lived in Lybia we couldn't go anywhere in our litte Fiat w/o having rocks hit our car. They thought we were Italians (latent hate) but it would have been worse if they knew we were Americans. Fortunately we got out 2 weeks before Khadafy's coup d'�tat. In fact every 3rd world country we lived in we left 2 weeks before the coup. My dad was a pertroleum Engineer but I secretly held this belief he worked for the CIA. How is it an oil conmpanies intelligence is better than the governments? Very fishy.
We were the Infidels and need to be dealt with. Why is it they wouldn't be nutjobs just like ours at home stateside. Tards are Tards no matter where you find them.

By Barklikeadog (not verified) on 10 May 2008 #permalink