Monday Musings: Gaua evacuations, more activity at Soufriere Hills and the destructive force of Toba revisited

Back to work after Thanksgiving Break ... lets clean up a few news items I missed trying to figure out the non-eruption of Karkar.

Undated photo of the summit area of Gaua, Vanuatu.

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Sally Sennert from the Smithsonian Institution sent me an email to say that this week's USGS/Smithsonian Institute Weekly Volcanic Report will be delayed due to the inclement weather in the Washington DC area. She can't connect with the server, so the report can't be updated on the Smithsonian…
Here it is, my attempt to recap a year's worth of volcanic events. By no means is this supposed to capture every event, but rather the highlight/lowlights and what most captivated me during 2009. I'll be announcing the winner of the 2009 Pliny for Volcanic Event of the Year tomorrow. Waimangu…
The weekly volcano report, brought to you by our friends at the Smithsonian Global Volcanism Program and the U.S. Geological Survey. Highlights (not including Mayon, Nyamuragira and Turrialba): Eruptions continue at Piton de la Fournaise on Reunion Island - heck, this would be the volcano news if…
It seemed like events at Soufriere Hills had been heading for a dome collapse for the past few week and sure enough, part of the summit dome collapsed last night, producing pyroclastic flows that reached the ocean along with a 40,000 foot ash column. The report I received from the Montserrat…

Toba article citation:

Environmental impact of the 73 ka Toba super-eruption in South Asia. Martin A.J. Williams, Stanley H. Ambrose, Sander van der Kaars, 1, Carsten Ruehlemann, Umesh Chattopadhyaya, Jagannath Pale and Parth R. Chauhan. December 2009 Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 284(3-4}:295-314

Item 15, Journal issue index

This is just a question for Erik. Did you get the pics I sent you and if not, the email eating machine is at it again. If you did get them. let me know what you think. It is a real volcano and if you want to know where it is, I will email you with what detail I know about it.

I'm still learning from you, but I'm trying to achieve my goals. I certainly love reading all that is written on your blog.Keep the information coming. I enjoyed it