Mystery Volcano Photo #15

It has been a slow week for volcano news (and a busy week for me), so I apologize for the abundance of MVPs this week. I've tried to find a good one in the many images submitted to me by Eruptions readers, and #15 is just one of those photos. If you have images you'd like to share with me for MVP or other uses, please email them to me at


. (However, I should note that you can't win by identifying your own volcano photo!)

MVP #13 was Lava Butte near Newberry volcano in Oregon. It is a lovely small scoria cone that you can walk/drive to the summit. From there, you get a spectacular view of the central Oregon Cascades and Newberry. I took this photo sometime in 2002 (I think).

MVP #14 was an old photo of the summit cone of Mt. Vesuvius went it last erupted in the 1940's.

Current Standings:
Don Crain - 2
gijs - 2
volcanista - 1
Lockwood - 1
Elizabeth - 1
Ralph - 1
Anne - 1
Cam - 1
gg - 1
The Bobs - 1
Boris Behncke - 1
Damon Hynes - 1

Here's #15, submitted by a reader ... Enjoy!


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Bagana on Bougainville Island.


By Michael Green (not verified) on 18 Nov 2009 #permalink


Reventador, Ecuador

By Don Crain (not verified) on 18 Nov 2009 #permalink

I think it's FUEGO!

Rincón de la Vieja?

Santa Maria? I belve it is in Central America.

By Chance Metz (not verified) on 18 Nov 2009 #permalink


By Melissa Lowman (not verified) on 18 Nov 2009 #permalink

Hate to admit it, but The Bobs got it all the way at #2 (nice job). It is Bagana in PNG sent to me by Eruptions reader Paul Callander (taken in 1978).

Current Standings:
Don Crain - 2
gijs - 2
The Bobs - 2
volcanista - 1
Lockwood - 1
Elizabeth - 1
Ralph - 1
Anne - 1
Cam - 1
gg - 1
Boris Behncke - 1
Damon Hynes - 1