The email eating machine

Just a note to all my readers: I've discovered today that Gmail has been eating (sending to the Spam folder) a significant amount of emails I've received to eruptionsblog This includes some of the questions submitted to Dr. Behncke (and other emails I'm sure) and comments pending on the blog. Sorry about the inconvenience, especially if I haven't replied to your email. I'll try to catch up over the weekend.

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Fernandina in the Galapagos erupting in April 2009. Photo by Harald Schmidt First off, I wanted to thank everyone who has submitted volcanoes images so far. They are an remarkable collection (see examples above and below) that I will start using with the articles as they fit. Thank you for sharing…

email eating machine? Why does that make me think 'Pac-Man'? :o)

technoloy can be our enemy and our friend. More often the frist thing though.

By Chance Metz (not verified) on 13 Nov 2009 #permalink

i'm sorry... this is another topic
Villarrica volcano is eruptin right now
im from chile and i live in concepcion
but my parents live in villarrica
and there is no information news
so i want to be the first telling you ;D

By Manuel Humeres (not verified) on 13 Nov 2009 #permalink

Manuel -- keep us posted on whats going on at Villarrica. I tried to find news about it and all I ran across was an article from 11/12 (Thursday) saying Chilean officials were confident that there wasn't going to be more activity at Villarrica :

I'll keep my eyes pealed over the weekend!

seems the volcano had the last laugh.

By Chance Metz (not verified) on 13 Nov 2009 #permalink

I was looking for some information and there is nothing on the internet! :/ I also searched in chileand news and ifound nothing. The worst thing is tht just some people knows that the volcano is erupting.
I just know its flowing some lava to coñaripe direction.
It's a really peaceful eruption.
I cant understand how the hometown doesnt inform about it, because theres a lot of snow and lahares can be ´produced.

Anything i know i will tell you.

ps: im sorry for my english.
I study geology (freshman college), so i know a little bit.

By Manuel Humeres (not verified) on 13 Nov 2009 #permalink

well, I want official information :/
so ill be looking for :D

By Manuel Humeres (not verified) on 13 Nov 2009 #permalink

So it is just lava flows right now? That has to be a pretty sight to see.

By Chance Metz (not verified) on 13 Nov 2009 #permalink

Until know I know It's just lava, and a little plume, but Its cloudy and night know so People can't see anything.
I don´t know, I was talking with friends that live ther and Nobody knows!!
I want official information :/

By Manuel Humeres (not verified) on 13 Nov 2009 #permalink

Yeah all I see on the webcam is clouds. If the clouds would clear I beet you would see a bright glow. Of course it would erupt at night and when it is cloudy.

By Chance Metz (not verified) on 13 Nov 2009 #permalink
The news says that there's no rise of activity, but residents says there is. I dont know what to belive. :S
Perhaps it was just a casual event.
Something relative normal in Villarrica volcano.
I will inform everything i know

By Manuel Humeres (not verified) on 14 Nov 2009 #permalink
I can see the crater, and i apreciatte no activity.
News says it was a False roumor.

Really bad joke ¬¬.
Well all my excuses.

By Manuel Humeres (not verified) on 14 Nov 2009 #permalink

It is good to hear there isn't anything going on with Villarrica. At least not right now.

I have a good one for all of you. Over in Nevada in the Silver Peak area there are several cinder cones. One time a guy that my DH knew when he worked over there found a large tire from a big bull dozer. He decided to get it on top of one of the cones and how he did that is a mystery, but he did it. Once it was in the cone, he set it on fire. He got back to town before anybody could prove anything and when the smoke was seen, it really hit the fan. I mean there was quite a stir. There were helicopters and cop cars and whatever else all over that place. They were not too happy to find it was only a tire on fire. Of course, they wouldn't have been happy if it had been an eruption, either. ;-D

Hi, I know absolutely nothing about volcanoes, but i ihave been given a school assignment. I have chosen to write my report on Villarrica in Chile. If you know any helpful sites or info, please let me know. Thanks!

By Samantha Glidewell (not verified) on 12 Jan 2010 #permalink