The last MVP was decidely (and unintentionally) way too easy ... but congratulations to gg for getting it on the first guess. To make up for that "gimme", here is a bit more of a puzzler.
MVP Standings
volcanista - 1
Elizabeth - 1
Ralph - 1
gijs - 1
Anne - 1
Cam - 1
gg - 1
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Erebrus or Veniaminof? It has to be someone cold like Antartica or Alaska,maybe Russia.
I go with BIG V = Veniaminof
Ãræfajökull in Iceland. I reckon it's definitely an icelandic subglacial one.
That's possible as well. I don't know a lot about the volcanoes of Iceland.
It doesn't have flowers, so I'm out.
My guess is Eyjafjöll in Iceland. Not much to go on in that picture and it's hard to distinguish these snow covered volcanoes.
Definitely Icelandic subglacial. Grimsvotn?
Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland ;-)
How in the world do you even pronouce any of those names? lol.
I have to go with a subglacial volcano in Iceland. Since no one has taken Hekla, I'll lay claim to it.
"How in the world do you even pronounce any of those names?"
In my case, badly.
Hmmmm. Not much to go on here. Cold, flat from this point of view. Perhaps a shot taken inside the caldera at Okmok?
(Wild Guess!)
Krafla I think.
Wild guess, here, but I'll say it's one of the Hawaiian volcanos: Mauna Kea. It gets snow each year and the rocks look about right.
darn this one really is hard. these volcanoes are all over the place.
I concur with geobearSD - it looks like Mount Wrangell to me.
Well, since no one has claimed Ranier, I'll say it's a high elevation photo of it....
grief, this could be anywhere. What about the North crater of Tongariro?
My guess is Ebeko volcano in Kamchatka. Or meiby Gorely? The nature looks like Kamchatka to me. But it could be in Alaska or Iceland.
The winner here was back at #6, with Eyjafjöll (or Eyjafjallajökull), so congratulations to the Bobs. More on this volcano later today!
I think this looks a little like Mount Douglas in Alaska.
Four Peaks? [Mystery Volcano #8]