Mystery Volcano Photo #4

I'll be off in the mountains of Virginia until Monday, so no updates for the rest of the week. I'll leave you all with a new Mystery Volcano Photo sent in by a friend (I don't want to give any clues away just yet) ... hopefully one that might be a bit more challenging. Enjoy the weekend!

Mystery Volcano Photo #4


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Looks like Sarigan in the Marianas ... ?

Very similar to Sarigan if it isnt.

Im going to have a completely wild stab in the dark and say Krakatau, just to make myself look really stupid :D

Cam is correct I think

By theroachman (not verified) on 16 Sep 2009 #permalink


By Chance Metz (not verified) on 16 Sep 2009 #permalink

Think I'd go for Sarigan as well

I was too slow for this one and I think Cam is right too; but if not Sarigan my guess is Taal.

By Elizabeth (not verified) on 16 Sep 2009 #permalink

It's Sarigan. No doubt about it.

Saint Helena?

It looks a lot like a differnt angle of Anatahan. The reason I say that is the pictures of Anatahan look very simlar to this one.

By Chance Metz (not verified) on 16 Sep 2009 #permalink

It's Sarigan. I found the picture that is the same exact one on seems to be a sight all aobut exploring the ocean.

By Chance Metz (not verified) on 16 Sep 2009 #permalink

I agree it's Sarigan, too. Just search it in Google images. (Do you know every volcano in the world???)

By Guillermo (not verified) on 16 Sep 2009 #permalink

Just check out the picture of Sarigan on the GVP website..

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