Sarychev Peak eruption update for 6/15/2009

Sarychev Peak in the Kuril Islands in 2007, the source of the large ash column currently disrupting transpacific air traffic.

It seems that the eruption at Sarychev Peak in the Kuril Islands of Russia might be a lot bigger than it first seemed. I've gotten a couple reports of flights to Tokyo from North America being diverted or delayed due to the ash threat, including All Nippon Air Flight 1 (Washington DC to Tokyo) and Continental Flight 7 (Houston to Tokyo, diverted to Anchorage). The NASA Earth Observatory has some great new images of the eruption taken today from the MODIS on the Aqua Satellite showing a tiered plume that might be as tall as 16.5 km / 10 miles, which would make sense if flights are being diverted. Air Canada has warned that many flights from Vancouver to the Far East, including Tokyo, Hong Kong, Beijing, Seoul and Shanghai might be delayed or canceled due to this eruption. SVERT in Russia has been overseeing the response to this eruption. The updates are a little spartan when it comes to information in english, but it is a good place to start when looking for the latest on the eruption. However, the Volcanism Blog has some great information (as usual) on the eruption, including a series of images of the thermal anomalies captured by the MODIS from the 11th to the 14th of June, showing the expanding eruption cloud. If any Eruptions readers find more details or if you are on a flight diverted/delayed by the ash, please leave a comment!

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Air Canada did in fact cancel three flights from Vancouver today (15th): Tokyo, Shanghai and Seoul.

Tomorrow's schedule is still up in the air.

NW7, Seattle to Tokyo on June 15th was diverted to Hawaii according to my friend on the flight. He didn't seem too unhappy about it.

Our 2 kids flew unaccompanied for the first time on 6/15 leaving Detroit for Tokyo (NW11). They refueled at Detroit (2hr delay), diverted to San Francisco, refueled again, and flew south of the plume to Tokyo. Arrived at 9:19PM, about 7 hours behind schedule.

Our 2 kids flew unaccompanied for the first time on 6/15 leaving Detroit for Tokyo (NW11). They refueled at Detroit (2hr delay), diverted to San Francisco, refueled again, and flew south of the plume to Tokyo. Arrived at 9:19PM, about 7 hours behind schedule.

NW799 JFK to NRT was cancelled June 16, 2009 after passengers sat in the plane for 2 & half hrs. All paasengers were arranged to stay RAMADAR hotel to take extra flight in June 17. But those who connect to other city like me may not be booked. I have to reschedule to June 20 because they said the extra flight is full. The worst thing is the luggage was checked in & retained in the aircraft yesterday. I have to pick up today before the extra flight depart. What a big mess!

By Ingrid Hong (not verified) on 17 Jun 2009 #permalink

Ted, Our 2 kids also unaccompanied flew NW25 out of Detroit to Tokyo on 6/16. They were also diverted to San Francisco and arrive to meet their uncle and aunt at 9:11pm, and still behind schedule. We are blessed that they arrived safe and tired. Not sure if that delay will be the same on their return back 6/29. We will pray, see and wait.