Redoubt Mini-update for 2/13/2009

We've now had three weeks of waiting for Redoubt, and all we have to show for it is steam, seismicity and lots and lots of press. As of today, Redoubt continues with the same: elevated seismicity, constant monitoring, think it will erupt.

Current status from AVO:

Redoubt Volcano has not erupted. Elevated seismicity is continuing, dominated by ongoing volcanic tremor and occasional small earthquakes. A storm system is moving across the Redoubt area at present, which will make for poor viewing conditions today. Associated winds are causing a small increase in seismic amplitudes on some seismic stations.  AVO continues to monitor Redoubt 24 hours a day.

So, don't get too excited about slightly elevated apparent seismicity over the weekend (and note, with the poor visibility, this would be a great weekend for Redoubt to decide to erupt).

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They also have a really good write up this morning on how this current activity compares to past eruptions and what this might mean. Some of the best information that have put out.

Too long to post here, but on the redoubt home page, you can access it, or go here:…

Here is an excerpt:

"We estimate that the new magma is beneath Redoubt at depths greater than about 5 km (about 3 miles), although a small amount of the magma may have risen to shallower depths in late January when seismicity, degassing, and melting intensified. There is no evidence to suggest that a large volume of magma is present at shallow depths (within 2 km, or about a mile, of the surface). "

By Brian Owens (not verified) on 13 Feb 2009 #permalink

Forgive my ignorance, but when they say 5km beneath the volcano, are they measuring from the summit or from sea level?

Blamo - most of the time it refers to the mean land surface of the volcano, not sea level. This means that many volcanoes' chambers are above sea level, such as in the northern Andez of Chile!

As for Redoubt, AVO says the brightness in the webcam shots is the sun -- so, no eruption yet!

What magnitude of earthquake foretold the 1989 eruption of Redoubt?

I was wondering if any geologically/geophysicaly educated person out there had any thoughts on the apparent earthquake locus that is about 30 Km NNE of Mt. Spurr and 30 Km E of Hayes Volcano .. It always seems to be there , apparently in line with a trend of volcanoes from Mt. Augustine through Mt. Spurr , I seem no obvious volcanic features at that spot ... A magma chamber ?? or uplift ??

Robert Somerville
Canadian Oil Patch
Calgary, Alberta

By robert somerville (not verified) on 15 Feb 2009 #permalink

Thanks GG , no apparent reference to the the earthquake locus just west of Beluga Lake ... curious, very curious ( for me at least ..) ... seems too far away to be directly associated with Hayes volcano .. ( or not ?? ...)

By robert somerville (not verified) on 15 Feb 2009 #permalink

Hello! I noticed that Redoubt's seismograph has become more, well... hairy. By that I mean that there are more tightly spaced, fine tremor lines than there were a week or two ago. Can someone here explain what these signify? Side note: it's good to know there are other amateur enthusiasts like me who are fascinated about Redoubt. I have found very little scientific information about Redoubt's recent activity, compared to that of other volcanoes.

Cynthia -- AVO suggested that we might see this sort of seismicity over the weekend thanks to a weather system moving through the Redoubt area. This might be what you are seeing on the seismograph.

Erik, interesting...which report on AVO has this weather info? Now I'm curious about how weather affects the seismographs. The "hairy" feature I'm asking about has appeared for the last 7 to 10 days. Here's a screen grab, in case it helps: