The Holiday Pause

Well, the holidays (and its visitors) have derailed my blogging ability, so in that note, I will officially declare the Eruptions holiday until 12/30. Merry Christmas (or whatever you celebrate) to all the Eruptions readers - and I just hit the 100,000 visit mark, a great Christmas gift for me! - and I'll catch up with some info on Chaiten, St. Helens and whatever volcano news that has happened in the interim.

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Merry Christmas Erik. The art accompanying this blog - it is a well-chosen volcano art - fitting for the season and this website.

Best to you, your family and your readers.

By Thomas Donlon (not verified) on 24 Dec 2008 #permalink

when you get a chance, would like to know what you think about the swarm of shallow earthquakes accuring under yellowstone lake over the last few days.

cheers, and happy new year!