Weekend update: Llaima, Chaiten, Okmok and Soufriere Hills

There haven't been any major developments volcano-wise over the weekend, just a few updates on some current rumblings:


  • Soufriere Hills (Montserrat) coughed up more ash, producing ash columns to "thousands of feet" according to reports from the MVO. The eruptions/explosions were centered at the lava dome on the summit of the volcano, Seismicity has also increased, suggesting that a larger eruption might be in the works.
  • Chaiten continues to worry Chilean geologists. Although the eruption seems to have reduced in intensity over the weekend, the fear of a blockage that could lead to a major eruption persists with the SERNAGEOMIN.
  • Llaima erupted for the third time in 2008 (see above for a picture of the January eruption) as more lava and ash is erupting from the main summit and a lava flow continues to work its way down the snow fields near the summit.
  • Meanwhile, in Alaska, the AVO still lists Okmok's alert level at Red as it continues to issue ash, upwards of 40,000 feet according to pilots flying near the volcano.

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