Treating AIDS is not a crime

Most of us would agree that treating AIDS is not a crime. "Most of us" apparently doesn't include the Iranian judiciary and the Iranian government. We have posted on it several times (here, here, here) but for new readers, here's some background:

Doctor Arash Alaei and Doctor Kamiar Alaei are two Iranian physicians who were detained in June 2008 by Iranian authorities. The physicians, who are brothers, were kept in Tehran’s notorious Evin prison for over six months without charges or trial. On December 31, 2008, a one-day, closed-door trial was held, in which the brothers were tried as conspirators working with an “enemy government” to overthrow the government of Iran. They were also tried at that time on unspecified other charges which neither they nor their lawyer were allowed to know, see the evidence of, or address.

On January 19, the Doctors Alaei were convicted and sentenced under charges of being in “communications with an enemy government” and “seeking to overthrow the Iranian government under article 508 of Iran’s Islamic Penal Code”. Kamiar was sentenced to three years and Arash was sentenced to six.

Now a final appeal of their sentencing is being filed asking they at last have their day in court, be acquitted of all charges, and be allowed to resume their work. It is their final chance. In order to call attention to this atrocious miscarriage of justice, not to say, decency, an international day of solidarity for the Alaei brothers will be held on May 12:

Vigils are taking place in more than 16 countries, including Malaysia, Thailand, Uganda, Ukraine, Turkey, Argentina, Mexico and the United States. You can participate in this international day of solidarity with the Alaeis no matter where you are.

Send a letter to the Iranian Embassy in your Country, release a statement from your organization or mail a letter to an Iranian policy-maker on May 12.

You can attend a vigil in person in NY or Washington DC on the 12th or by live streaming video from the vigil locations and join a live chat. Send a letter to the Iranian Embassy in your country (sample here) and sign the petition to free the Alaei brothers.

Treating AIDS is not a crime. Tell the Iranian government.

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