Annals of McCain - Palin, XXV: the last hundred days or prelude to four more years?

This weekend we passed a milestone. George W. Bush, the current incumbent of the White House, has less than 100 days left in his ill-starred Presidency. In 22 days we'll find out if we will have to suffer through four more years of the same thing under a McCain-Palin (or Palin - ?) administration. Heaven forbid (just a saying, not a religious statement). Bush is near historic approval lows in the Gallup poll (25%) and has been below 30% longer than any President in Presidential polling history. He is irrelevant to most people and has turned the government over to President Paulson. Notice how well we are doing.

The Bushies can still do a lot of damage in ninety some days. George W. is absent but his minions are still there creating ideologically inspired mischief, still trying to "starve the Beast," still only managing to starve the populace. By the time they vacate the premises they will have pretty much trashed the place.

We are at the threshold of an uncertain future. I don't know what an Obama administration will be like but I do know what a McCain administration will be like. I've just been through eight years of it. I'm not strong enough to last through four more.

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Amen. (just a saying, not a religious statement).

...still there creating ideologically inspired mischief, still trying to "starve the Beast," still only managing to starve the populace. By the time they vacate the premises they will have pretty much trashed the place.

And everyone was upset when a couple White House keyboards were missing their 'W' keys at the end of the Clinton administration. Outside the walls we were at peace and had a budget surplus, FEMA was a well-staffed professional organization, and wetlands-protection laws were being enforced. What a difference eight (long, long) years make.

The greatest of nightmares shared by my coworkers and I are this:


The last one is my personal nightmare. If by some chance they 'threw' the election the convulsion that would follow would make the Civil War look like a corner street fight on a Friday night....

By Grace Colasurdo (not verified) on 13 Oct 2008 #permalink

How about this...Dick Cheney will lend us 2 squadzillion dollars at 25% interest (compounded daily) to bail out the US banking system...

By Grace Colasurdo (not verified) on 13 Oct 2008 #permalink

I believe Obama is eminently qualified to govern America well.

I also believe that McCain is qualified to back out into ongoing traffic.

And everyone was upset when a couple White House keyboards were missing their 'W' keys at the end of the Clinton administration.

The missing W keys was an urban legend.