For all my lunartic readers

Some readers are skeptical of global warming and we sometimes get hit and run types who want to declare the threat of a pandemic a hoax cooked up by Donald Rumsfeld to make money on Tamiflu. Since I want everyone to feel welcome here, this is for you guys:

petit pas from mapo_mapos on Vimeo


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I suppose you're going to tell me jet fuel can melt steel?

(This is snark, for the sarcastically impaired.)

Mmm, cheese.

We could not land on the moon due to the dust was too deep. Thomas Gold, who gave us the abiotic theory of oil and worked for NASA as an astophysicist at the time predicted this, as did others, and it was likely confirmed via the unmanned landers. The Moon has no atmosphere so air pressure was 0. Over 4.5 billion years there would have been a tremendous accumulation of dust and no air pressure on the surface to compact it, and no weather to disperse it or protect rocks from erosion from the suns intense radiation

But politically, we could not admit defeat as the people had been programmed for a man on the moon, so we manufactured a win.

Creatonists use the argument that because we landed on the moon and there was little dust, and not the 100 ft predicted, that the earth and moon can only be 8000 years old. Of course, the only proof we have that the moon has little dust on the surface is that we landed men on the moon. Including Lunar 9 soft landing which also could have been staged in order to justify continuing with the program.

Conveniently, the flag we planted on the moons surface is too far away and too small to be seen by telescopes on Earth. Other evidence could be the result of unmanned landing craft, such as retroreflectors, and not necessarily due to the manned landing.

The video could have been made on Earth in the desert. We sent men to the moon, but they could not land. Thats probably why we scrapped the moon program and nobody ever bothered to go after this. It wasn't the money, but you can not colonize a dust bowl.

When you control the MSM, and control those in government (this is national security related, classified as top secret, if you talk, you go to jail), and institutions that rely on government funding, you can get away with a lot.

To be honest, I have not adopted the above as a theory yet since I don't have enough credible sources or evidence, but I do keep an open mind. Government has corrupted science to such a degree we can not really trust scientists either, and those who might publish or speak out would be ignored in any event.

Thanks for thinking of us though. Got to run.

Over 4.5 billion years there would have been a tremendous accumulation of dust and no air pressure on the surface to compact it, and no weather to disperse it or protect rocks from erosion from the suns intense radiation

No, the original predictions of dust fall were based on half-assed measurements. better measurements show infall rates several orders of magnitude lower. Moreover, gravity would play a larger role in compacting than air pressure (last I checked, gravity pulls me down a whole lot more than air pressure pushes me down), thus there would be significant compacting of the dust.

Of course, it's so much more plausible that scientists are part of some massive conspiracy... Even typing that sarcastically makes me gag.

The USA moon landing was not a hoax. In addition to a US flag embedded in the crust of the moon, there is a plaque engraved with the picture of the Earth along with lunar mirrors that were used by NASA to collect data concerning the movement of the moon through lunar cycles.

If anyone still doubts that the USA has been to the moon, then I suggest that he or she submit a letter to the Chinese government asking for one of their astronauts to confirm our nation's past presence up there (and to kindly not take our flag out as they stamp their own into the lunar soil).

By The Man on the Moon (not verified) on 15 Jun 2008 #permalink

Man: I hope you understood I was being sarcastic and needling my climate denialist commenters by associating their attitude with another form of denialism most take to be bizarre and ridiculous.